
Reply: PMP Exam Simulator Results

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Topic History of : PMP Exam Simulator Results

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6 years 10 months ago #14023

Joseph Pazzalia

Joseph Pazzalia's Avatar

Thanks for that information. That was really helpful.

Does anyone know when the next two tests are going to be uploaded?
6 years 10 months ago #14022

Ty Weston, PMP

Ty Weston, PMP's Avatar

It is a generally accepted target to hit 80% on the tests. I would recommend you look at this goal as well. Though the test scores may or may not indicate how you do on the real test, it will give you confidence if you do stay above the 80% mark.
Not achieving an 'above target' rating on all areas does not mean will not pass, nor does completely getting 'meet target' in all areas. Some have gone below on at least one area and still passed. Use your simulation tests score and fill in your gaps of your low areas.
Aim high.
6 years 10 months ago #14012

Joseph Pazzalia

Joseph Pazzalia's Avatar

I took my first full length exam the other day and I scored a 71.5%. I had a couple of questions regarding this.

I know that it is said the goal should be to score around the 80% mark to best ensure your chances of passing. When that is said, does that mean your tests should all be within the 80% mark? I mean, I will take another this Saturday, which I suspect will be slightly higher, after studying the areas I lacked. Perhaps by the end of it, I should hit the 80% mark. Is that a bad plan? Should the majority of my tests be in that range before I consider taking the actual exam (June 5 is my scheduled date)? And this goal of 80% that people mention, is that for the first time taking the exam? Obviously, if I go back and take it, my score will be better. But is that considered when people throw around that 80% number? And I understand that there is no hard rule one will pass if they are scoring an 80%.

Another question... does one have to score a meet target or above target on all areas to actually pass the exam? For instance, can I score below target on Initiating and make up for it in Executing?

Also, when are the final two exams for the 6th edition going to be posted? I plan on taking one a week up until the exam.

Thanks for any answers.

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