PM PrepCast Reviews by Actual Customers
Customer Reviews for The Project Management PrepCast
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Great resource

Really helpful for studying for PMP exam

I am so glad I stumbled on The PM PrepCast. It really was the key to making my 1st test attempt an ABOVE TARGET pass. The tests and statistics provided really allowed me to focus and feel confident in my progress. I owe you a lot. I actually had brain surgery in 2016, and my memory works a little slowly now. I take great notes and can definitely do my job but flat out memorizing is challenging now. I had resigned myself to never passing the PMP. So I can't believe I actually did it.
Chicagoland, United States
PMP exam failure

I spent three months studying for the PMP exam using the PrepCast PMP exam simulator and a course from Udedmy. After taking the four full exams with an average score in the high 70s and low 80s, I felt ready to take the exam. What I found was that the current PMP exam questions were significantly harder than the ones on the exam prep, and a lot of the topics in the exam prep were not on the current exam. I suggest your team take a harder look at your exam content and update it to the current PMP testing content. Very frustrated.
Reno, United States
Excellent resource for PDUs

I just completed the PM PrepCast and the Agile PrepCast for PDUs for 60 PDUs. I paced myself, completing 2-4 podcasts at each sitting and it took a little over two months at that cadence. I found the content very well organized and each podcast built on the knowledge provided in earlier ones. So, it's best to complete them in order. Mr. Fichtner and his team are obviously very well informed and are generally enthusiastic in helping we PMs maintain our certifications. My current position is as a security compliance professional supporting four different FAA drone programs as a contractor, all using Scrum to develop. As a member of the development team, I am also able to bring my project management and technical experience to bear (40+ years!). I am not formally trained in Agile, picking up most of my skills OTJ. But I didn't fully appreciate how my contributions could be received until I completed the Scrum podcasts. The only "nits" I had was that some of the Agile podcasts may have been a little dated, given that we use Jira for managing the effort, rather than sticky notes (plus, we're all remote). The podcasts mention one or two tools that do not exist or are not in favor. Some of the audio levels for some of the Agile podcasts were not at the same levels as the rest. There were also only one or two figures that appeared fuzzy when the display was expanded to full screen. Now, none of these took away from the experience whatsoever. Also, when I submitted the PDUs to PMI, they immediately requested additional information. With some foresight, I downloaded the course lists, and added a column to add a date to document when I took the course. Submitting that with my course certificate got me my PDUs. All in all, I'm so glad that I purchased (using the coupon!) and completed the two courses. Excellent material, presented professionally. Thank you.Marlton, NJ, USA, GDIT
PMP Elite Package

I purchased the PMP Elite Package, I had the PMBOK guide and Andy's textbooks. I took advantage of a medical leave to keep my mind busy and studied for a solid 5 weeks as if I worked full time, instead I covered all of the content in 2 weeks (with some simulator) and the rest of the time was spent reviewing notes, textbooks and doing more simulator questions. I found the amount of content overwhelming. I booked the PMP exam once I was consistently getting pass (70% or greater) on the simulator. The simulator for me was the best tool. I almost didn't write the exam; I found out the day before that my internet wasn't fast enough and being in a rural area there was no option to upgrade (I was maxed out). In the end, I wrote it in Toronto. I walked out of it having no idea if I passed or failed. I had no math questions and felt the exam was very different than the simulator. Overall, it came down to the whole package (textbooks, simulator and Cornelius lessons) to prepare me for the exam. The fact that I was off work allowed me to think the way it was expected for the exam (it got my mind right into it).
Excellent material

The PMP exam is very hard: situational questions you cannot answer without deeply understanding the concepts of PMP, even if you read all the PMI books multiple times.
Thanks to the PrepCast Exam Simulator you can truly understand the concepts underlying the information you can study on the PMBOK and on the other manuals.
I read and heard lots of reviews complaining for the questions of the PrepCast simulator to be too hard with respect to the real exam... absolutely false: if I hadn't prepared my exam with this simulator, by reading all the detailed explanations, I wouldn't have passed the exam.
By the way, I passed the PMP certification three days ago (27/12/2023) at the first attempt and with score above target. So THANK YOU PrepCast!
Domenico De Francesco
Focused learning.

Independent Consultant
I passed the PMP exam on my first attempt just a week ago. Going in, I really didn't think that was going to happen. I had only 10 weeks for study and prep, and I'm certain the result would not have happened without the PrepCast simulator.
I evaluated three exam simulators and determined PrepCast to be the best for me because of its thorough explanation of not only why answers are correct but why the others are not. Also, its questions filtering showed me exactly where to focus my learning.
I took timed 60-question quizzes every second or third day. After I went through all of the +2280 questions I went back through the ones I missed on the first pass. I plotted exam results in two graphs. One with four curves: exam result and a curve for each domain. The second graph include curves of the 10 knowledge area results. This showed me where I needed to focus my learning.
I did a brain dump twice each day. These were of the formulas and the 49 processes. You need to know which process the exam question is referring to. When you know this you can readily eliminate many of the potential answers. The 10 knowledge areas x 5 process groups matrix, yielding 49 processes was part of my twice daily brain dump. The other brain dump part was the formulas.
My weakness going into the exam was not having a strong command of which ITTOs go to which processes. I thought this would fail me but I credit the PrepCast simulator for allowing me to connect enough dots. I recommend making the flash cards that so many others recommend. If I had taken the time to make those I would have felt a lot more confident going into the exam.
The PrepCast simulator is the learning tool that I credit for my passing the PMP exam. It allowed me to readily identify my knowledge gaps and focus my learning in a relatively short period of time.
Greater Houston , United States, Independent Consultant
Instructor is Engaging and Simulator Results Are Accurate

I took the PM PrepCast online 35-hour class, which was very engaging!
I took three practice exams on the simulator. The result of my last practice exam was AT, AT, and T.
I studied more on the T area before the actual PMI exam, using Cornelius's The 50 PMP Exam Prep Questions Everyone Gets Wrong and Rita's PMP Exam Prep book.
I scored AT, AT, and AT on my first attempt at the official PMI exam.St. Louis, United States, Centene
PMP Prepcast Exam Simulator - Well Worth it!

I purchased the PMP exam simulator and so glad I did! The quizzes provided the option of timed quizzes or a learning format that helped to me to build up my confidence.
The mock exams were so helpful in prepping me for the real exam by allowing me to build the stamina for the real 4-hour exam and learning how to answer situational questions in timed environment.
The explanation for each question provided insightful rationale which further supported my learning.
Just recently I cleared my PMP exam will Above Target in all 3 areas! I highly recommend this product.
I passed on my first attempt.

I am extremely happy that I chose PM Prepcast for my training and exam simulator. I have been unemployed for over a year and money has been tight so in all honesty I was looking for something that wasn't so expensive but that would allow me to obtain the knowledge I needed to pass the exam. I was a bit skeptical about the content at first but trainer Cornelius Fichtner was very thorough with his explanations and kept the training fun. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I learned from the videos. The quizzes and exam simulators were extremely helpful in preparing me for the exam as well as all the information and guidance on how to prepare to take the exam day of. In the event I require additional training that is offered via PrepCast I will definitely be coming back. Thank you PrepCast and Cornelius for providing such a great experience, I couldn't have done this without you.
United States
Passed my PMP exam!

I just received the email that I passed my PMP exam. I first signed up for the PM PrepCast in fall 2022. I listened to the lessons back to back in audio format to and from work. Life happened, so I had to reschedule my PMP exam for later in the year. I rescheduled it once more for October 11th. Thanks to the PM PrepCast and the Exam Simulators, I scored "Above Target" on about 80-90% of the exam.
Thank you!USA
Passed PMP Today

Thank you PrepCast I did in fact pass my PMP today first try. I felt well prepared using your simulator. I am glad that part is over. Thank you again.
Cuyahoga Falls, USA
PMP PrepCast

Ich habe die Prüfung im ersten Anlauf bestanden. Ohne einen guten Prüfungs-Simulator fast nicht möglich. Neben den sehr treffenden Fragen besteht die Möglichkeit das richtige Zeitmanagement zu lernen. Trotzdem kam ich in Zeitnot. Aber... geschafft. Vielen Dank an das Team eurem tollen Simulator und all den vielen Dingen die man bei euch nutzen darf.
Grünberg, Deutschland, Bender
Passed in the 1st try!

Excellent simulator! Passed on the 1st try!
Tough Ride

Done... but I couldn't imagine that I have passed...
I think, that situation after completing the final exam, sounds familiar to those of you, who have done the exam or to the ones, who are still in study and listened to Cornelius videos.
In the end I have received a couple of minutes later my score report with statement all sections "above target". It was really a surprise and a great feeling and success.
But where I have started...
Two months prior to my exam, I have subscribed the PM Prepcast Elite Plus package. Earning the necessary online lessons for my application on PMI.
After going through each and every lesson, I have studied PMBOK 6th edition and as well 7th addition. Afterwards to conclude this round with the Agile Practice Guide. What I have completely skipped was the forula guide from Cornelius, as most of the lessons learned interviews / podcasts, etc. were stating formulas and there interpretation are limited in the exam.
What I have done instead... after 2 weeks of podcasts I have started the Exam Simulator and in parallel studied the three mentioned books. I have also done in the third week of June all 4 test exams and approx. 60 % of all available questions in the exam simulator.
My take aways with regards to the final exam. It was good, that I was already familiar with agile methodologies (Scrum, SAFe), but the biggest plus I would state was the exam simulator. Of course the podcasts and as well the book studies supported the knowledge, but with the simulator I was in the position to challenge what I have studied and foremost, the way how the questions and multiple choice answers are written (Language, grammar, etc.) especially for me as a non-native speaker, was the greatest advantage of the simulator.
But as stated multiple times from Cornelius, the final exam is more vague... now I can confirm that ;-) but again, without diving into the language and the focus the podcasts and the simulators delivers, I am pretty sure not to pass in the first round with above target in all three sections.
When someone will ask me for some guidance how to prepare for PMP, I will definitely recommend Cornelius and his team.Manager, Germany
PMP Essentials

GreenStone Farm Credit
I purchased the PMP Exam Essentials course to do my final prep for my PMP exam. I leveraged the learning-mode quizzes to really zoom in on areas of weakness despite many months of studying on my own. I found the feedback dashboard to be incredibly helpful as I only needed to work on three distinct areas and my exam date was literally one week from the day I bought these classes. I am happy to report that I passed my PMP exam with exceeds on all three areas. I would highly recommend this system for anyone that needs focused study methods.
East Lansing, MI, USA, GreenStone Farm Credit
Practice Exams Are Essential

The practice exams are essential to helping you get your timing down and understanding the thought process behind the questions in the actual exam.
PrepCast for the PMP

Passed on my first try! The preparation course provides exactly what I needed to succeed.
PrepCast Simulator Was the Key

I purchased the Agile Practice Guide, along with PMBOK 7, and PMP Prep Simplified book. After studying these three books for about 4-5 weeks, I purchased Prep Cast and starting taking and reviewing my results. The level of info/feedback provided by the smaller tests (30-50 questions) and the full Exams was the key to my success. It told me exactly where my weak spots where and how to attack them. I used PrepCast for about 2 weeks and took the PMP Exam and hit Above target on all 3 Domains. It also prepared me for taking a 180 question (timed) test so there really wasn't that much pressure when I took the real test. I truly believe that using PrepCast was the key to gaining that last bit of targeted training and confidence and put me over the top. This test isn't cheap and not something you want to repeat. Best investment made across the board for all my training materials.
Chattanooga, USA

I used the prepcast videos and passed the PMP exam. The videos are quite explanatory and post PMP exam, I am still using the videos for my personal growth.
Lagos, Nigeria

This PMP Exam Simulator really helped me in the journey of getting ready for the PMP certification test. Solving as many questions as I could (1900) approx. was very accurate. I highly recommend this preparation.
Bogota, Colombia
Aced the PMP

I just wrote my PMP last week and got Above Target, Above Target and Target. PM Prepcast helped me to develop the PMI mindset. Aced the PMP in a short notice
Singapore, Singapore
Great Classs

Thanks for the great training. I was able to pass the PMP exam with AT in all domains.
CONROE, United States
PMP Exam Success Made Easy with PM PrepCast

The PM PrepCast to prepare for the Project Management Professional (PMP) exam has found it to be an incredibly helpful resource. The course is structured in a way that is easy to follow and provides a comprehensive overview of the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge).
The instructors are knowledgeable and experienced, and the content is presented in a way that is engaging and easy to understand. The PM PrepCast also includes a variety of study aids, such as flashcards and practice exams, which can help users to reinforce their understanding of the material.One of the biggest benefits of PM PrepCast is that it is available online, so users can access the course materials from anywhere and study at their own pace. Additionally, the course is designed to be flexible, so users can tailor their study plan to their specific needs and schedule.Overall, the PM PrepCast is a highly recommended resource for anyone preparing for the PMP exam. It provides a comprehensive overview of the material and offers a variety of study aids and tools to help users succeed on the exam.
Better than you think

This PMP Exam Simulator and quizzes on learning mode are worth every penny. I just wrote my PMP yesterday and got AT, AT and T because of it. The ability to do questions and immediately find out what was right or wrong along with the reason really helped me develop the PMI mindset.
Thank you Cornelius and the rest of the team at PM PrepCast.Montreal, Canada
Thank you Cornelius and Company! Passed First Time with 3 AT's!

I took my PMP Exam at an in-person testing location on Monday and I passed with all three domains Above Target! I started studying for my PMP in December 2022 with the PM PrepCast on-demand trainings, study guides, and PMP Exam Simulator. I received my 35 contact hours certificate with PM PrepCast in early January 2023, and continued to study for two months in order to take my exam in early March 2023. Following the receipt of my 35 contact hours certificate, I completed my PMI exam application. Immediately after hitting submit on my PMI exam application, a notification page popped up on my desktop saying that my application had been randomly selected for audit. I followed Cornelius's advice, and had reached out to my references prior to submitting my application, making the entire audit process quick. Once my application went to audit, I signed back into my PMI account, submitted a scanned copy of my degree and marriage certificate (I had recently gotten married and had my last name changed), my PM PrepCast certificate, and the contact information to all of my references. Following submitting all of this information, I reached out to each of my references notifying them of the audit. According to my references, they each got an email that same day, and it took them max 15-20 minutes to submit their portions back to PMI. As it was described to me, PMI makes it a very simple "check" for making sure that the reference knows the applicant and their work. After all of the references submissions were made, I received an email saying that my application audit was successful and that I could then schedule my exam. From start to finish, the entire audit process took about 4 business days. I took 2 of the PM PrepCast simulator exams, and took daily quizzes as part of my study plan. On test day, I completed the test with 3 minutes to spare, and I didn't even take the full 10 minutes of my second break. I found the actual exam to be pretty difficult due to the fact that the questions were incredibly vague. It's because of the vague nature of the test questions, that I found myself spending more time on questions. However, I walked away with 3 AT's, and a PMP in hand. I think that PM PrepCast did an amazing job in prepping me for the exam at my own pace. My only point of improvement would be that there may be a need to update some of the areas of focus/ depth and detail of questions in the exam simulator. Otherwise, this is a great program that I have recommended to several of my friends who are now PM PrepCast students themselves!
Highland, USA
PM PrepCast Exam Simulator Review

I am thankful to PM Prep Cast for preparing comprehensive simulator to test the readiness of PMP exam. I scored above target and cleared my PMP in first attempt!I tried PM Prep Cast for exam simulation after going through PMBOK and other PMP prep books. I did many timed quizzes where I score below or above target at times. I started doing premium PMP exams two weeks before the exam and mostly acquired between 65%-70%. I found those exams very challenging and tested the knowledge in deep.Regarding the real PMP: Most of the exam questions were situation based and most of the questions ended with "what step would the project manager take first". These are tricky questions but in my opinion if you prepare and practice extensively you will know the answer after going through all choices.Time is crucial. In my last segment I did not get chance to review all questions or even review the flagged ones, be very vigilant about the time you are using per question.I thank Cornelius Fichtner for creating fantastic material for PMP exam preparation. Wishing you all the very best.

PMP Exam Simulator is excellent. Cleared my exam in 1st attempt after reviewing all 1610 questions which is exactly the same format as PMP exam (I had experience giving PMP exam twice as i was not lucky to find this simulator during 1st attempt. Just read PMBOK & solved other reputable author exam questions which was no way close to this simulator and actual PMP exam questions.) I highly recommend PM Simulator questions to must prepare if you are serious to clear exam on 1st attempt. Lastly thanks PM PrepCast team for exceptional support to clarify any questions which we may have during preparations. Last thing for extra piece of mind for pmp aspirants during 1st attempt of simulator questions I scored average 60-65% (FAILED 6 exams) but that was enough score for cracking actual exam. So dont be disappointed if you see FAIL in simulator questions :)
Perth, Australia, Schlumberger
The Exam Simulator is a MUST!

I took both courses that applied to PMBOK 6th ed. and 7th ed. since I was enrolled when the courses shifted to the 7th ed. All the content provided in the courses is invaluable when studying to take the PMP. It's also crucial that you take advantage of the exam simulator. Without that, I would not have stood a chance of passing the exam. Since I took advantage of that, I was able to pass the exam with Above Target in all (3) areas. I felt very prepared going into the exam, and it's all thanks to this program. I would highly recommend the PM PrepCast to any aspiring project managers looking to get their PMP certification.
United States
PrepCast makes a different

I found PrepCast PMP Exam simulator a tool that makes a difference and brought my effort up to a different level.
Quizzes worked well as a quick tool to practice a certain knowledge area/domain. I used them also for random pool of questions tailored for a moment.The 4 exams are very realistic. It helped me prepare well to the real PMP exam. I found valuable knowledge studying an explanation and details for questions.
PrepCast wasn't the only source I used, but definitely it was the game-changer.
Highly Recommended

Great content and pool of questions. Supported me a lot in my learning and preparation journeys for the PMP Exam. Highly recommended!

The PM PrepCast and Simulator explains, elaborates, and reinforces the information published by the PMI regarding the body of knowledge required to be mastered for the PMP exam. The additional value it provides however that sets it apart is in the energy of the instructor and the mindset one must have to sit for the exam and approach daily scenarios using this body of knowledge. I purchased the product assuming I would learn explicit information, but it was the tacit knowledge that the product instills and the mindset that made me successful to pass the exam. I'm very thankful to have purchased the product. I did not realize until I took the exam how much it would be required to be a practicing project manager to be able to pass and when that practice is narrowed to only your individual experience you need a broad brush. The PM PrepCast and associated simulator provides it. You must learn approach above all, and this was the value proposition. Thank You!
Lincoln Park, United States
I passed my exam!!!

Infinity Tech
I am so grateful for the PM PrepCast program. I had 6 weeks to obtain my CAPM and I don't know if it would have been possible without the PM PrepCast. I scored above target in every single domain! This program is worth your time and money, it set me up for success and I have no doubt it will set you up for success, too (as long as you put the work in).
Port Richey , USA, Infinity Tech
Must have

The PM PrepCast Simulator is a must have. By far the best thing to help prep you to pass the test in your first attempt.
Hilliard, United States
I passed on the first try!

The PM PrepCast was an excellent tool for me to study at my own pace. I followed the study guide that was provided and watched all of the videos, not just the required videos. My best advice is to give yourself many breaks from studying, not just on the same day, but also make sure to give yourself a day/night off or two to allow the material to sink in. I've always been nervous about test-taking, but I assure you I was well-prepared to pass the test. In fact, my test feedback revealed that I exceeded the goal, which made all of the days, nights, and weekends of study well-worth the effort.
Thank you

Dear PM PrepCast team and managmanagers.
I want to thank you for enabling my successful PMP bid. Your tests and responses to comments have helped me gain and expand my knowledge and facilitate obtaining the PMP certificate. The ability to practice for the exam and learn from each question has contributed to reduced stress and expanded understanding of the PMI way of thinking. I gained expertise in areas not my work nor classes prepared me to address. So thank you again, and continue to help others in their journies
We will meet again.
DanMadrid, Spain
Passed on my first try

I just wrote my exam and passed on my first try The PM PrepCast was a great resource l listened to every single one of the videos but didn't do too well on the stimulation and that was stressful. l took my exam and just got the email, l passed. Thank you PM PrepCast for helping me realise my dream.
MOUNTLAKE TER, United States
A must have

The PM PrepCast really helped me prepare for my exam by training my mind to think a certain way and assisting in getting accustomed to reading scenario based questions and multiple choice answers, reasoning and time management! I highly recommend this to those intending on doing a PMP certification!
Very helpful Simlator

I have got all lengthy questions. PM PrepCast has got many lengthy questions, which have helped me pass the exam, especially finish within time.
PMP Quiz Simulator is a great tool

The PMP Prepcast Quizzes were challenging but worth the work. The quiz simulator matches the test format and explains why each answer is either right or wrong. This tool contributed to me passing the PMP on my first try!
PrepCast is all you need!

I really enjoyed the PMP PrepCast Exam Simulator! I took the practice quizzes and then eventually exams every night for about 2 months, aiming to accomplish 50-100 questions a day. When I would get any questions wrong, I would read why it was wrong and it really helped me to learn/absorb the material. On the PMP exam, I got Above Target in all areas and received my PMP certification! I could not have done it with PM PrepCast and have recommended it to all my colleagues!! Thank you PM PrepCast!
Wilmington, NC, US, IBM
Best PMI PDU experience

I was in crunch mode to fulfill my PDUs for PMP renewal and I discovered this "deal" through PM PrepCast and I must say it not only delivered the necessary PDUs but the course was so comprehensive, perfectly paced and truly delivered real world lessons that I continually fall back on what I learned form the course. I was incredibly pleased with the depth of topics and the breadth of the materials. Again, it delivered beyond the requirements and I was motivated to pursue additional certifications where I fully embraced the Agile methods.
San Francisco
PMP in 60 Days

Boeing Aerospace
60 days after starting The Project Management PrepCast, I passed the Project Management Professional Exam. Thanks to the in-depth analysis of the PMBOK and Agile practices, along with the PMP Exam Simulator, I passed the exam with relative ease. The level confidence I had going into the exam was indescribably high. I highly recommend The Project Management PrepCast to anyone serious about passing the PMP Exam the first time.
San Antonio, United States, Boeing Aerospace
PMP Exam Prep

I did my PMP training in October of 2021 and didn't really focus well on taking the test. I spent 5 months procrastinating and felt like I was way behind the curve. 1 month out I started the Prepcast Exam practice tests. I took 4, the first 3 in the low-mid 60's and the third a low 70. I scored WELL above Above Target on the exam in May! The questions on this practice exam are way more in-depth and require a lot more thought than the actual exam does. I wouldn't have been ready for the test if it weren't for this exam prep test!

I think this PM PrepCast is a very very good tool to prepare PMP exam. At the begining, i was thinking the trainer will teach in difficult language but no, he simplify avery thing through some examples. As english is not my mother language but i am understand very good what you are saying. I just start Agile, once i will finish that i will continuous with next step. Thanks.
Bamako, Mali
Agile Prepcast feedback

This is not my first time using Agile PrepCast. I used Agile PrepCast lessons to PASS my PMP in first attempt.
I really enjoyed these lectures. It helped me to pass in first attempt both PMI ACP and PMP exam. Cornelius's teaching style is too good. He explains concepts with a lot of details.
Agile prepcast Questions are very difficult in a way they prepare you very well for the exams. Highly recommended!
Excellent experience

Managing Member
I found the content in the PM PrepCast to be excellent and I learned the appropriate information and PMI terminology to successfully pass the exam above target.
I highly recommend that you spend time studying the PMBOK guide along with the PM PrepCast as recommended by Cornelius.
I also found the PMP Exam Simulator to be extremely useful and beneficial, and highly recommend it. The exam simulator provides insight and prepares your mindset for the types of questions on the actual exam. The exam simulator not only provides practice for the types of questions on the exam but provides reporting and feedback for the areas where you need to improve your knowledge to successfully pass the exam.
Great job producing an excellent product!Carlsbad, United States, Managing Member
The Exam Simulator is where its at!

My situation was a little different. I took the PMP and passed back in 2008 - However, I let the PDUs slide and upon interviewing for a different position, an active credential was a requirement. I had 6 months from the date of hire to re-certify.
I kicked myself repeatedly for letting the time lapse, as I remember all too well the amount of time and study it required to pass. Back then the exam was heavy in EV (20 + formulas) and had little, and I would say close to nothing related to Agile methodology so I knew I needed to find a comprehensive course.
At the beginning I downloaded the PrepCast lessons as podcasts and would listen to and from my commute to work (as a program manager). But I found that reinforcement worked better and started to attack the quizzes and exams in the simulator. Being able to see the answers, explained, really drove the point home. After 60 quizzes of different types, areas of focus, etc. and all 4 practice exams I was able to pass the exam successfully on the first attempt!
Thank you Cornelius!Merrimack, United States
I felt SUPER prepared

CHOC Hospital
Today I took my PMP certification exam, and because of the timed quizzes and simulated exams through PM PrepCast, I was able to pass on my first attempt! I passed Above Target on all three domains.
The exam was so similar to what you see in these simulated exams. Just put the adequate study time in and you’ll do great! Don’t give up!Newport Beach, USA, CHOC Hospital
PMP preparation

I would like to thank for providing us this PM Exam Simulator which is essential in preparation of PMP exam. I passed with AT/AT/AT and i have answered around 1900 questions of simulator and obtained 64% 69% 69% 79% in those four simulator. The PM PrepCast is best tool to prepare for PMP Certification. I would highly recommend to anyone desiring to prepare pmp using The PM PrepCast, the money invested will lead to the success.
Montreal, Canada
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