PMP® Exam Prep Essentials Study Guide Reviews by Actual Customers
Customer Reviews for The PMP® Exam Prep Essentials Study Guide
Spot On!

I decided to acquire the PMI PMP at a time in my career when it probably shouldn't have been required. I worked in a Chevron operating unit for 10 years where I became very experienced in their PM methodology. But in March 2016 I lost my job. I decided that to perform and be credible in the rest of the PM world I would require something more, and PMP would be it.
I took on this task, I self studied, was extremely lucky to be invited to join a local small study group, but mainly I tackled this alone.
In the weeks leading up to my exam on Oct 19th I discovered the PrepCast world of knowledge and resources.
I am so glad I decided to make use of Cornelius' material, it is very well presented, clear and unambiguous, relevant and targeted.
I used many other free resources on the web and some paid for for PMP exam preparation, but this one sticks out head and shoulders.
The materials I used for on ITTO, memory jogger, the brain dump the timed quizzes and mock exams are most certainly strong contributors to both my plan of attack for doing the exam and that I managed to pass it, first time.
South Africa
10 Weeks - Passed on my first try - Cheap Route 10 Weeks - Passed on my first try - Cheap Route

Study Process:
1.) Read over PMBOK Guide. (SO DRY...)
2.) Went through PM PrepCast. (Kind of entertaining, but slow)
3.) Read over Rita Mulcahy's PMP® Exam Prep without taking the quizzes at the end. (Very easy to read and informational)
4.) Took the quizzes and then re-read the chapters. (Averaged a 70-75).
5.) PM Simulator (Took 3 exams. (69%, 68% and 73% - With such low scores, I was at the verge of giving up))
6.) Took the exam and passed! (1BP (Planning), 3MP (Initiating, Executing and M&C) and 1P (Closing))
What would I do differently?
1.) Study individual chapters simultaneously with the other resources. - Go through the PMBOK Guide - Read over Rita Mulcahy's PMP® Exam Prep - Go through PM PrepCast simultaneously - Take quizzes on the chapter studied
2.) Take quizzes on Rita Mulcahy's PMP® Exam Prep after going through the step above for all chapters.
3.) Re-read chapters right after the quizzes.
4.) Take 2-3 exams to get the feel of the PMP Exam.
5.) Take the ITTO Exam as I find it to be the most difficult part.
6.) Re-read Rita Mulcahy's PMP® Exam Prep.
7.) Take the exam and pray for the PMP Gods to bless you with enough knowledge to pass the exam.
Duration - 10 Weeks - 2-5 hours a day (I couldn't retain much information after my third or fourth hour).
Resources Used: - Rita Mulcahy's PMP® Exam Prep (Golden ticket to passing the PMP) - PM PrepCast - PM Stimulator *
My word of advice for the exam is to put on your project manager hat on and the questions will make more sense. Just be honest and choose what you would do. It's just much easier that way. You know more than you think!
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Excellent Study Tool

This guide has given me more focus without being overwhelmed. With more concise knowledge it is easier to link concepts together in the knowledge areas and process groups to see the bigger picture. The breakdown of the Guide and Essential Concepts provides more manageable sections to study. I hope to be ready to move on to the PM Exam Simulator after I complete this study guide. Thank you for another excellent study tool!
EBook Summary

I found the Essentials Study Guide to be a very nice compliment to the PMP PrepCast lessons that I'm going through right now. It's a more thorough resource than the current study guide for the PrepCast. The brain dump book is also another great resource to get some ideas on how to create my own. Certainly more examples to include would be beneficial for this resource. Overall, both of these ebooks will be a great resource for your students as they prepare for the exam.
Exam Prep Essentials Study Guide

The exam prep essentials study guide offers a detailed breakdown of overall concepts, PM formulas, and best practices for the brain dump. This guide will be a part of not only my overall study for the exam, but an essential component of the last minute prep time and brain dump preparations.
United States
Quick way to dive in to the material!

After reading Andy Crowe's book and the PMBOK guide, I really enjoyed reading this eBook. It's an easy and quick read, and the information is presented in a way that's understandable. Great info in the brain dump examples. Overall, I certainly would recommend this to others.
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