I took my first full length exam the other day and I scored a 71.5%. I had a couple of questions regarding this.
I know that it is said the goal should be to score around the 80% mark to best ensure your chances of passing. When that is said, does that mean your tests should all be within the 80% mark? I mean, I will take another this Saturday, which I suspect will be slightly higher, after studying the areas I lacked. Perhaps by the end of it, I should hit the 80% mark. Is that a bad plan? Should the majority of my tests be in that range before I consider taking the actual exam (June 5 is my scheduled date)? And this goal of 80% that people mention, is that for the first time taking the exam? Obviously, if I go back and take it, my score will be better. But is that considered when people throw around that 80% number? And I understand that there is no hard rule one will pass if they are scoring an 80%.
Another question... does one have to score a meet target or above target on all areas to actually pass the exam? For instance, can I score below target on Initiating and make up for it in Executing?
Also, when are the final two exams for the 6th edition going to be posted? I plan on taking one a week up until the exam.
Thanks for any answers.