
Reply: How to calculate EV

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Topic History of : How to calculate EV

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8 years 8 months ago #7744

Mark Wuenscher, PMP

Mark Wuenscher, PMP's Avatar

Also add the $2500 for the Development phase which is 50% completed as stated in the other responses.
8 years 8 months ago #7742


Annie's Avatar

EV calculation:
Analysis = $500, 100% completed hence same as Planned Value(PV)
Design = $750, only 75% of PV completed
You can work out the rest and SV with EV values using the formulas.

I am not yet certified and in the progress of preparing for exam.
Could any PMP-certified member verify if this is correct?

8 years 8 months ago #7741

Twana Amin

Twana Amin's Avatar

Now I know .

EV is 500 plus 750 plus 2500 = 3750 which is calculated from the % of the PV
8 years 8 months ago #7739

Yerikzhan Torekhanov

Yerikzhan Torekhanov's Avatar

Earned Value = sum of planned values of completed work. So, for each activity you need to calculate value of completed work by multiplying planned value and percent completed, then sum all up.

Schedule Variance = the difference between the work completed and the work planned to be completed. SV = EV - PV.

So basicaly, when you calculate Schedule Variance, you ask yourself "I only completed so much work by now (Planned Value * Percent Complete) but should have completed that much (sum of Panned Value of all activities that should have been completed). Am I behind schedule (completed work is less than planned, SV is negative), on time (completed equals the amount of work that was planned, SV is zero), or ahead of schedule (completed more work than was planned, SV is positive)?"

Take a look at PMBOK Guide Table 7-1. Earned Value Calculations Summary Table on page 224.

Hope this helps
8 years 8 months ago #7736

Twana Amin

Twana Amin's Avatar

I wonder how to calculate EV & SV from the attached file.

Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
