
Reply: PMP Exam :Need Clarification on Sequence of activity when an Issue is identified

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Topic History of : PMP Exam :Need Clarification on Sequence of activity when an Issue is identified

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2 years 1 month ago #30188

Kyle Kilbride, PMP

Kyle Kilbride, PMP's Avatar

Hi Richa,

I agree with your explanation for Question 1, what should the PM do FIRST. The first thing one should theoretically do is to log the issue. In my view there is no difference between that or what should the PM do first to RESOLVE the issue. Both are asking the same thing.

If the question says what should the PM do to resolve the issue this is where you should be looking for the most proactive answer to bring the item to a close. Not necessarily the first thing you'll do, but the option that will have the most impact. In this case, investigating the issue.

I believe these questions are designed to reinforce that documentation is an important part of what we do, but our job doesn't stop there. To bring something to a close we need to be active in understanding the problem and supporting a solution.

2 years 1 month ago #30177

Richa Jaiswal

Richa Jaiswal's Avatar

Hi ,

Can you please advise on my query below

Scenario : There is a stakeholder who has raised a concern that his requests have not been implemented .

Options are
1) Log the issue in the issue log
2) Investigate the issue on behalf of the stakeholder
3) Capture the concern in the stakeholder register
4) Issue a change request.

My Question 1 :: If the question asks what should the project manager do FIRST , the answer is log the issue in the change log because action items to investigate , resolve and communicate start after the issue has been logged and an owner has been assigned. However, if the question says - what should the PM do first to RESOLVE the issue , would the answer still be log the issue or would it be investigate the issue ?

My question 2 :: For the same scenario above if the question says what should the PM do to resolve the issue ( Note : FIRST keyword is omitted) would the answer still be log the issue or would it be investigate the issue ?

I am trying to understand if the question asks about what to do to resolve then which option is a better choice ? Logging since its the first step when any issue arises or an option which talks about how to resolve the issue since its more directly related to the question being asked ?

Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
