The materials I used:
1. PMBOK guide 6th edition.
2. Rita Mulcahy 9th edition.
3. Prepcast simulator.
I studied for 3 months. I read the PMBOK guide once, it was very dry and could not grasp everything, purchased Rita Mulcahy guide read it once and was able to relate the concepts
Then read Rita Mulcahy guide the second time, and started reading the PMBOK guide and watching the prepcast videos for those corresponding concepts.
I took all simulator exams, I went through the first 4 exams in study mode (which do not have time/stopwatch ticking and also you can get the explanation of each question without waiting for the exam
to end), I took the exams 5,6,7 and scored 73%, 63%, and 69% respectively, I was very disappointed with my scores, but went through the wrong answers and analyzed why I was wrong. I would
recommend going through all the questions, and use those options as flashcards analyze which process group and knowledge area each of the options belongs and what is their purpose. If you do not
have much time, you can skip the last exam of ITTO’s.
I was not sure if I was ready for the exam, I had a good understanding of the ITTO’s and especially the unique ITTO’s of each process groups, example: Issue log is the output of Direct and manage process groups, the work performance data is output of Direct and manage project group and input to all M&C processes except M&C, PICC.
Read the Agile guide once and I do not remember many agile questions in my exam.
How to crack the exam:
1. Read through PMBOK guide and Rita Mulcahy guide once or twice.
2. The most important success factor is the prepcast simulator, use it in study mode or exam mode, make sure you understand the explanation for all questions, go through all the answers and
understand why they are correct and why they are not correct.
3. Concentrate on Change management/configuration management, Project documents like issue log, changelog and lessons learned register, understand the differences between issue and risk,
concentrate on the Closing process as many questions are very tricky.
4. you may not get the same questions you read online or in other simulators, but it will be similar if you understand the concepts you should be able to clear the exam.
5. There were around 8-10 formula questions, they were easy but slightly tricky, I had purchased the prepcast formula guide and if you are able to solve the 105 questions you should be better prepared
for formula questions.