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TOPIC: Passed PMP on Aug 24th

Passed PMP on Aug 24th 15 years 5 months ago #566

  • Hema Sivaramakrishnan
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Dear All,
I passed PMP on Aug 24th. Sorry for being late in publishing my LL!!

I am a Project Manager in IT industry and have around 3+ years of projects management experience. My LL as below
(Please note that since I initially planned to take the exam before June 30th, but later rescheduled, I used PMBOK 4th edition for studies, supplemented with preparation book/podcasts based on 3rd edition. )

1. Cornelius' prepcast (based on PMBOK 3rd edition) - Listened to his podcasts whenever possible. Understood basic concepts.
2. PMBOK 4th edition - Read two times. Prepared notes for review during 1st pass
3. Rita's PM preparation book based on PMBOK 3rd edition - just glanced through, but did all practice exams.
I would have spent little more time reading PMBOK. I never tried to memorize ITTOs, but understood the concepts.

Practice questions
1. pmstudy.com free 200 qstns - attempted and got 68%
2. Head first free 200 qstns - got 78%. I found this set of qstns similar to real exam qstns.
3. Rita's 5th edition practice qstns
3. daily 15 qstns from Cornelius

Around 40% of questions were direct from PMBOK. I took only 2 hours to answer all questions, and marked around 50 for review. Took a break, then reviewed the marked questions and ended the exam.I was excited and relieved to see Congratulations.

1) Many special thanks goes to Mr. Cornelius Fischner for the excellent prepcast, without which PMP would have been impossible for me.
2) All PM forums and active participants who gave clarifications for all the qstns and doubts
3) last but not the least my supportive family and Almighty GOD!

thanks again and all the best for all PMP aspirants. If you take out enough time for preparation based on PMBOK guide, I think good result is attainable for all.

Best Regards
Hema Sivaramakrishnan

Re:Passed PMP on Aug 24th 15 years 5 months ago #576

  • JD Crump, PMP, ITIL-F
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