Hi all,
I passed my PMP exam , and I wish the same for every one preparing to pass the PMP exam, the PMP Prepacst simulator has really helped me to find my knowledge gap, get a real taste of real exam , and manage my time properly in the exam.
The exam really focus on your deep understanding of the PMBoK guide, and your ability to analyze different situation and your understanding of what should have been done, and what should you do in future.
Memorizing ITTOs will help if it's associated with deep understanding
it took me 2.5 months of preparation, 5 days PMP prep class, used Rita Exam prep book, done 6 PMP-prepcast Simulation exam with average 85%, used the available free resources in the internet ( Videos, Questions, Templates ), in 2 days prior the exam date I have done full quick review of ( memory sheets, small videos , one free exam simulation) , the day before exam date just relaxed and prepared myself physically and mentally - drinking a lot of water , met with my friend, and slept early.
In the exam date I arrived too early, read the Test center rules, and followed the test room check in procedure .
I relaxed in the exam , I spent enough time on each question, some questions I reread them several time, although I marked some question for review but I've just got 5 minutes remained to check them again .
and finally I would like to thank the PMP-Prepcast team for their support and prompt response I got through the live feedback feature.
and I wish all the best for all PMP-prepcast members in their PMP Exam.
Thanks again and good luck
Housam Krema, PMP