Feedback for PrepCast: Be nice to have an exam full of decision tree analysis questions (they had some on the exam), Earned Value, EMV, Critical Path, etc...
My exam was full of situational examples and I felt many of the questions asked, what do you do next? No I did not memorize all the inputs/outputs/T&T's. I was familiar with many of them however.
In real life, I do not work with all the aspects of the Project Management Plan as some of you do. So I studying for approximately 2 months. As you know everyone learns differently, so my approach may be very different then what you would need to be successful, but here goes:
Rita Mulcalhy PMP
PMP prep course at local provider to obtain 35 contact hours
90 Day simulators
Website with additional tools, quizzes etc... Exam Central
The process that worked for me:
First I would read the chapter in the book and highlight things I believed were important.
Then on the way to and from work in the mornings I would listen to the Prepcast.
Then I would read the same chapter again and take extensive notes on the materials. Writing everything down helped me keep things organized on what the Tools and Techniques were for each process.
Then I would take quizzes on that Chapter from the online website listed above. This website did not have many situational examples (that I recall) but it was great for identifying any gaps in descriptions and definitions. It would confirm/disconfirm whether I learned anything from the chapter.
After reading the entire book 2 times I think starting studying just from my notes. I would review the process charts and read through everything regularly.
Just as an FYI, Rita's book did leave some things out which I would identify by taking quizzes.
Then I started taking quizzes online through the Prepcast site. The Prepcast has tons of situations questions which I found extremely helpful on the exam. I wanted to ensure that I was really taking all the Exams offered like I was sitting for the real exam. It identified knowledge gaps which was very useful the day of the exam.