
Reply: Passed my PMP Exam on the First Try!!

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Topic History of : Passed my PMP Exam on the First Try!!

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1 week 5 days ago #32082

Rochelle Martinez

Rochelle Martinez's Avatar

Congrats, Erik!
3 weeks 9 hours ago #32049

Erik Smith

Erik Smith's Avatar

I was able to pass the PMP exam on my first try! Admittedly it was rather tough as they make the answers very hard to eliminate two from the start. But if you are able to pass the PMP-Prepcast exams consistently with 80% or above you should be good to take the test and do well. The material covered in the PMP Prepcast Exam simulator is unrivaled in my opinion. I love the fact that when you answer a question it explains why your answer is correct as well as why the other answers are wrong. I was able to learn a lot from incorrect answers by understanding when those concepts will and should apply. The ability to time yourself, or go at your own pace, is also extremely beneficial depending on what you're preparing for (speed/Understanding) . Overall, in combination with other tools i have recommended PMP-Prepcast Exam Sim to all of my colleagues and family that have been wanting to get into the project management arena.

Book Used:


Video Resources

I would listen to these Youtube videos during driving or walks or sitting around the house cleaning. Just so my mind was thinking project management consistently

Project Process Explained - Ricardo Vargas
100 Q&A - PMBOK 6th Ed.
200 Agile Q&A - PMBOK 6th Ed.
150 Q&A - PMBOK 7th Ed.

Testing Habits

I would take quizzes, for 30 questions, multiple time during the day. Some would be timed and others would be untimed.
I would shoot to answer each question in one minute or less if timed.

After I began scoring 80% on quizzes, i would then take an exam. I would reserve time in the morning to simulate me waking up to go take an exam.
I would complete the entire exam and then review the questions i had correct and the question i had wrong. I would then set aside some time in the next week to retake the same exam.

All in all my study prep was about 8 weeks. I started out fairly sluggish only a few quizzes a week. But 4 weeks leading into the exam i cranked it up and took multiple quizzes daily and an exam on the weekend.

Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
