After an unfortunate hiccup, that saw confusion over my name.
I was fortunate, to be able to re-do the test.
Although it cost me the day off and a few days of stress, i was able to pass it.
Here was my approach and some thoughts.
1) Total time to study: about 150 hours or so.
Course Studying and Resource: 25-30 hours
Looking for exam stimulator: 10 hours
Time spend practicing questions including exam prep and review answers: 100 hours
Additional studying-reading, going over questions -50-60 hours hours
in total a good 200 hours.
Could I had done a better job preparing, totally.
Understand the exam flow a bit, the ones like Rita, while you don't need to memorize, drawing a flow diaagram, with inputs/tools/outputs, would had helped me better understand the questions earlier.
That would likely have 30-40 hours.
Exam Prep Stimulator - An absolutely must. The explanations and references, are absolutely great, in explaining the concepts.
I had scored 73/71% on my prep exams 4 weeks earlier, but didn't feel confident in my readiness, so I made sure to go over the questions again.
I scored 75% on my third mock exam.
The exam prep was great, as it helped faciliated the thinking needed, to have confidence in about 50% of the questions.
Where else another 50%, was down to 50/50.
Oh, and make sure to work with PMI to make sure and check the right name is submitted.