
Reply: How do I know if i REALLY passed the test?

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4 months 1 week ago #31771

Elena Zelenevskaia

Elena Zelenevskaia's Avatar


That's how PMI handles this nowadays. You’ll receive an official email from them with your test score and overall result. The chances that you passed are very high, and based on other folks' comments, no one has reported failing the exam after receiving the congratulatory message.
4 months 1 week ago #31766


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For me they give a paper with congratulations on your achievement but it’s written that the score report is provisional. And subject to further review and verification.
What ? I celebrate it or what
4 months 1 week ago #31765


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Hi I just finished the exam and while signing out they give a paper with congratulations but it’s written that based on the preliminary assessment of your recent examination results you have successfully passed the examination. Congratulations on this achievement.
But also this score report in provisional and subject to further review and verification. While you have met the minimum passing requirements. We are currently undergoing a thorough evaluation of the examination results to ensure the accuracy and integrity.
Shall I celebrate ?
2 years 1 week ago #30319

Daniel Soerensen

Daniel Soerensen's Avatar

I think it would be really cruel for PMI to have a Congratulatory message for failing the exam. I'd assume anyone who gets the "Congratulations!" at the end of the exam passed. Does anyone here know what message you get when you fail the exam?
2 years 2 weeks ago #30289


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Yes, it's true.
I took my exam today (Feb 24, 2023) and got the "Congratulations! You have earned the PMP certification!" message after the exam. However, I was confused whether the message just to congratulate me completing the exam or it meant I passed. A few hours later, I got an email from PearsonVUE with the link to PMI for my score and overall Performance. I passed with T/AT/AT for People/Business/ Process.

Congratulations to all who got the message of "Congratulations" after taking exam. It did mean you passed!
2 years 8 months ago #29537

Shashwat Srivastava

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HI ,
Completed my exam a week back but have not received any email or confirmation on completion from Pearson vue. Which checking online its giving me error "This application has encountered an unexpected problem. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please click the previous button to try again.".
Anyone has also faced the same ?
Tried contacting PMI also but that is also of not much help.
I dont know if I passed the test or not ?


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