
Reply: Where do I even begin? Feeling overwhelmed

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Topic History of : Where do I even begin? Feeling overwhelmed

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5 years 1 week ago #20216

Cornelius Fichtner

Cornelius Fichtner's Avatar

Heather... please take a look at our tutorials.

This one will help: traffic.libsyn.com/pmpodcast/pm_exam_sim...or_learning_quiz.mp4
5 years 1 week ago #20215

Heather Oberfoell

Heather Oberfoell's Avatar

How do you access the quiz feature? I have heard that referenced multiple times. Thank you!
5 years 1 month ago #19984

Neeraj Vasudeva

Neeraj Vasudeva's Avatar


Have a look at this post, it might help.

Also do more searches on this forum, as to what other journeys have been. Based on other people shared learning, pick up a strategy and tailor it according to your needs & constraints.

All the best.

5 years 1 month ago #19973

Harry Elston

Harry Elston's Avatar


It does seem overwhelming at the outset, but it is not.

I used a multi-level approach because of the way that I learn and because of where I judged myself compared to the PMI PMP Test Standard. I have a very auditory learning style, meaning I need to hear the information as opposed to reading it, so this approach may not work for you.

In conjunction with the PMPrepcast (essentially a lecture series on the PMBOK Guide), I purchased the book Head First PMP and of course, the PMBOK Guide. I followed the Prepcast along with the PMBOK, then circled back in Head First PMP. I then augmented that with 10-50 question quizzes from the Exam Simulator in each knowledge area. About 5 weeks into studying (and a little over half way through the PMBOK/Prepcast), I started full Exams from the simulator, recognizing that my scores would be terrible because of material that I had not yet covered. I repeated that process until I finished the Prepcast/PMBOK and Head First, then repeated exams and went through all the quiz questions. I also made a set of flash 49 flash cards with knowledge area/process group/ITTO information on it.

Like David, when you hit can consistently hit 80%+ on exams and quizzes, you know you're close to the end.

I did not "read" the PMBOK Guide but I did follow it with the Prepcast and took notes in my guide. The PMBOK reads like any other ANSI standard and has all the excitement of watching paint dry.

It's a lot of material, but 12 weeks of hard-core studying did the job for me. (Note, I'm an independent consultant so planned my time accordingly. You may not have that luxury).

Good luck!

5 years 1 month ago #19972

David Carmen, PMP

David Carmen, PMP's Avatar

Francesca, approach this just like a project, break it down into manageable work packages and then develop a plan to complete those. Looking at the whole can seem overwhelming, but once broken down into manageable chunks, you'll be able to conquer it easily. I found that a read through on the PMBOK, highlighting concepts new to you, then watching the prepcast videos, while following along in the PMBOK worked for me. Once complete with the lessons, I started in on the simulated exams. Take time to review the correct answers on those questions you miss in the simulation. I also used the quiz feature to take a 30 question quiz every day at lunch, and also reviewed the correct answers. Make sure you understand the reason the answer is correct. There are quite a few questions in the simulation that contain 2 or 3 technically correct answers but one is the most correct. My goal was to achieve 80% on the simulations and quizzes before I sat for the exam. I took the exam last Thursday and was above target in all 5 domains. Lastly, Take the advice from "The Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy", By Douglas Adams (no, it's not a PM study guide) and DON'T PANIC. You'll do fine.
5 years 1 month ago #19970

Francesca Scalia

Francesca Scalia's Avatar

I have joined the PM Prep Cast in order to receive my 35 contact hours and then be able to apply for and take the PMP exam. I also purchased the Simulator.

I've been looking through the Forum and introduction videos and am not sure where should I even begin?
- Watch all the Prep Cast videos and take notes?
- Read the entire PMBOK 6th edition?
- I also have PMP Exam Prep by Rita 9th edition, should I read this too?

I am hoping to write the exam before the summer. Where should I even begin or I suppose what would be the most optimal way to begin?

Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
