Thanks Elizabeth,
My question is about the Exam and how much I should study Agile. In the current PrepCast training, there is a question after Module 20 (see below). I'm wondering if the date mentioned should actually be July 1, 2020.
Question: Do I need to read The Agile Practice Guide for the Exam?
Simona Fallavollita and Cornelius Fichtner
One of the major differences between A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Fifth Edition and Sixth Edition is that the Sixth Edition is shipped together with The Agile Practice Guide. So it is no surprise that students ask the following:
Do I have to read The Agile Practice Guide in order to prepare for the Project Management Professional (PMP)® exam and how many questions on Agile topics should I expect?
The Answer to this question depends on WHEN you are planning to take your exam...
You are taking your exam on or before 15 December 2019
The short answer is: We recommend that you read The Agile Practice Guide at least once but you don't have to go into it deep. You should not expect too many questions on Agile topics on the exam.
To confirm this we contacted Simona Fallavollita who is working as a Product Manager at Project Management Institute (PMI)®. She gave us permission to publish the following quote:
The Agile Practice Guide offers a more comprehensive perspective on agile applications and is a useful resource for gaining a greater understanding of this approach to project management. In-depth knowledge of agile practices is not required for the PMP®, though. There could be some agile questions on the PMP exam as we know the practice of agile methods is growing in prominence and project managers need to be equipped to choose the most appropriate approach for their projects. However, any agile related questions would still need to fit within the context of the current PMP exam content outline. That being the case, people should not expect to see in-depth assessment of agile topics on the PMP exam.”
You are taking your exam on or after 16 December 2019
The answer is simple: Yes. You must read The Agile Practice Guide because 50% of the questions on your exam will be about agile and hybrid approaches.