
Reply: Change requests priorty

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Topic History of : Change requests priorty

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5 years 8 months ago #17738

Donald Terry

Donald Terry's Avatar

Hi Ashvini,

Change requests are submitted to the CCB (or individual authorized by the change management plan). The CCB can approve, defer, or reject the change request. If two conflicting change requests were submitted, the CCB may approve one and reject the other. If two change requests were submitted that cannot be implemented simultaneously, then the CCB may approve one and just defer the other. Thus it would be the responsibility of the CCB (or individual authorized by the change management plan) to determine the priority of change requests.

See pages 115 and 120 of the PMBOK® Guide
5 years 8 months ago #17727

Ashvini K. Chhabra

Ashvini K. Chhabra's Avatar

Thanks for your reply. Yes I meant 2 conflicting CRs . 1 stakeholder is insisting to implement his CR wheras the other stakeholder insisting to implement his CR. I am aware that CRs go through CCB for review & approval. Since PMBOK 6 doesn't mention about who will prioritize the CRs therefore I posted this query as in real life or PMP exam this situation may be described.
5 years 8 months ago #17721

Joe Pang

Joe Pang's Avatar

Hi Ashvini,

Are you asking if there are 2 conflicting CRs (ex. CR#1 wants to change the background color to blue, and CR#2 wants the background color to change to red)

It is the project manager's responsibility to weigh the implications, and identify options for the change requests received.

In the exam environment, the PM should first consult with the change management plan to seek out solutions. Ultimately the CRs will go to the change control board for review and approval.

Source: Rita V9 Page 160-161

Hope this helps.
5 years 8 months ago #17706

Ashvini K. Chhabra

Ashvini K. Chhabra's Avatar

If there are 2 change requests each submitted by different stakeholders then who has to decide which one to implement 1st CR . Both stakeholders insist that their CR should be implemented first.
Will project manager or project team or some other authority will decide the priority ?

Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
