Here's the good news: It does not matter at all which of the two approaches you use. You can start your network diagram on "Day Zero" or you can start it on "Day One". If you do all the calculations correctly then you will end up with exactly the same result.
So don't worry too much about the method. I personally teach and use "Day One" but everyone should use whatever works for them. The exam doesn't test if you are using the 'correct method" but if you are using the "method correctly".
Thank you so much for the videos and for the fast and reliable support.
The video is helpful, and in fact I did watch some other videos of the same channel, especially the one for free and total float and it was very helpful.
You mentioned placing ES of first activity as 1. I would say also that the PMBOK Guide adds 1 from the LF of Activity 1, till ES of successor activity.
This Youtube channel didn't do so...
Isn't right?
Unfortunately, our lesson on the Network Diagram is not yet finished. But while we work on it, we can recommend the following three short videos on Youtube for you to watch:
- How to draw a PDM network diagram:
- Determine the Early Start (ES) and Early Finish (EF) of activities in a PDM network diagram:
- Determine Late Start (LS) and Late Finish (LF) of acitivities in PDM network diagram:
These three videos are about 15 minutes long in total and explain the process rather well. The only thing that I would do differently is to start the network diagram on "Day 1" instead of "Day 0" as you'll see in these videos. However for the PMP exam either approach works and will lead to the correct result.
We don't yet know when our lesson will be complete. Once it's ready it will automatically appear in the list of lessons online.
Hi, In the the topic index of the pmprepcast 6th edition you mention the L06. 07. 2 for the network diagram analysis.
And in the develop schedule course also you mention it.
Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®