
Reply: Iterative Vs Incremental project life cycles

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Topic History of : Iterative Vs Incremental project life cycles

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2 years 4 months ago #29899

Roberto Giberti

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The best representation is the Figure 2-8 of the PMBOK 7
Both Iterative and Incremental are divided in steps, so in each step you need a feedback and adapt the next steps. However the philosophy is different:

- Iterative: try different ideas to clarify the final scope. For instance the scope is to go faster from one city to another. You can build running shoes, then a bike, then a motorbike, then a car. You add features, but still you can provide multiple deliverables

- Incremental: you progressively develop the scope. So if the scope is to build a car, you can have incremental steps of building the wheels, the engine, the brakes, the chassis, but you have 1 deliverable only at the end, which is the final car
2 years 7 months ago #29596

Carol Srna

Carol Srna's Avatar

While studying for the exam, I've been befuddle by Iterative vs Incremental.

Here's my take.
Iterative: Dress is done/sewn. Lower or shorten hem, Add/remove collar.

Incremental: Sew bodice of dress, attach skirt to bodice, hem skirt.

Please critique my answer.
Thank you
2 years 11 months ago #29272

Svetlana Gromova

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Excuse me, guys
Can you explain then the difference between agile and incremental LC approach?
I suppose both of them are based on stages both require feedback? or am I missing the point?
thanks a lot
3 years 1 month ago #28971


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Very Nice Example

Thanks a lot
3 years 2 months ago #28817

Joseph M. Couture

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Hey guys,

Did we find a difference between iterative vs incremental that sticks? I saw Steven's reply but I also saw that someone contradicted Steven's statements.

What did we decide on?
3 years 8 months ago #27656


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Hi Steven,
Clear with your explanation. But I wish to confirm is incremental Lifecycle is a time boxed activity as similar to Iteration Lifecycle.

Thanks in Advance

Steven Mudrinich, PMP wrote: Tahar,

The main difference between them is that an iterative process makes progress through continuous refinement while an incremental process makes progress through small increments. So if I am a PM for a software project, an iterative approach would be to initially build the overall product and then refine the weak areas, while an incremental approach would be to build each individual area one at a time.

Generally, an iterative product will get to market before an incremental product, but the incremental product will be more complete when initially released.

- Steven

Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
