Passed today with all "above target" - thanks Cornelius!
Used the PM Prepcast as my primary source. After I watched the first half of the videos, I realized that should be taking detailed notes as I went along, so looped back around after finishing so that I had a good set of notes. I took my notes on the left side of a sheet of paper, hole punched and stuck them in a binder. Then I went through Rita's book, and took any amplifying notes next to the same topics on the right-hand side of the paper. I wound up only going through all those notes once, but think the act of pausing the videos to write things down allowed me to internalize...
Did three full sim exams (the ones here), and scored 87-89 each time. Reviewed all the questions after each, taking notes in a separate notebook on things I didn't feel strong on. Once again, only reviewed those notes once, but think the act helped.
Also took Transcend's full 200-question exam. The questions were not nearly as good as Cornelius', and I found a few blatant errors. I've had good luck with Transcend on other certs before, so not talking smack about them - and I had access through, so no loss.
Overall, very satisfied with PM Prepcast. Only one problem now. Whenever I read anything related to project management, I have Cornelius narrating it in my head. Why couldn't it have been justine?