I took 3 months to prepare for my exam, and I passed on the 1st attempt. I used the PMBOK, the" Rita Book", "PM Prepcast". and the corresponding Exam Simulator. For my first pass I started with the PMBOK and The Prepcast section by section. I read a section of the PMBOK and listened the the Prepcast while I worked out shortly there after. My second pass was the PMBOK along with the Rita Book. Once I did this, I started taking the quizzes and the tests with the Simulator. I took many short quizzes and about 3 practice tests before I took my exam. I reviewed my results and each question I got wrong to understand the why which helped greatly.
The exam requires you to understand the material and not just memorize it to say it back. I found the Exam Simulator associated with this site forced me to understand the material better, given the types of questions that were asked. You are given a scenario with details and you must choose the "best" answer. Given the number of questions, and the amount of time you have, you need to be able to read the question and quickly understand what it is asking. You then need to look at the available answers and quickly which two you can discard right away and which of the remaining two is the correct answer. Through these practice tests and quizzes you will learn the skills on how to do this quickly.
I took the test when you could still use the "Brain Dump Sheet". I actually found I only used it 3 times for reference purposes, and not on every other question like I thought I would. The exam does appear to have tricky questions, but it goes back to being able to read the question and first Identify what they are actually asking, and then what information is relevant to help you answer that question.
I hope I answered your questions that you had, please let me know if you have any others. I am here to help and give back how others helped me when I was prepping for the exam.