Thank you Cornelius, your Prepcast videos are more than a class, it was really too much for me to take on while on the go, so I dedicated quiet time to listening and taking notes like I was in a class with you in front of the class speaking. I must say it is detailed and very structured as you said it would be; I had however purchased the Prepcast in December 2014 but while studying had to undergo a knee surgery in California and series of rehabilation sessions in the last 6months, so my PMP project plan had to be re-evaluated and replanned, hence my having to take the PMP Prepcast final exam at this time and I am pleased to say I passed it too with 22 scores out of 25. I write this to equally encourage everyone looking to take the prepcast final exam, that it is as Cornelius said, not all that difficult. I have also printed my certificate, but I will ask Narayan not to worry so much about these 25 questions in the PMP Prepcast Final Exam as he can obtain much more questions from the exam simulators which: Cornelius, Rita and other exam prep materials we may be using individually have for us to use. I am so glad I bought the Prepcast.