Thanks to you both for the answers. I was trying to trace the logic, because for a process to properly iterate, it must have a valid path for information to be passed. If I can identify it, I have a much better chance of "getting it". So, I wanted to know which of the inputs to Sequence Activities carried the Activity Durations. I traced through it again and found the following logic to hold, using brackets to distinguish <inputs or output> and [Process names]:
<Activity Duration Estimates> are input to [Develop Schedule] which outputs <Schedule Data - this includes both the Activity List and Activity Attributes> as an output. <Activity List and Activity Attributes> are both inputs to [Sequence Activities] so I still don't know which one has the activity durations, but at least the logic is there! Figure 6-17 in the 5th Ed. PMBOK diagrams the Schedule Data Flow, but does not include the path I described.
I posted the following link under a different topic, which attempts to capture all the logic between the 47 processes. The diagram is by Sean Whitaker at this link:
under How to Pass the PMP Exam, slide #32.