
Reply: Acceptance Criteria?

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4 years 2 months ago #25621

Tomas Marcos Gines Jimenez

Tomas Marcos Gines Jimenez's Avatar

I got a question where the answer was the scope baseline. Which makes sense as scope baseline includes project scope statement , wbs and wbs dictionary.
4 years 7 months ago #22806


Eric POON's Avatar

I would like to supplement that "Acceptance Criteria" are not the same as "Project approval requirements" for the project.

  1. Product Acceptance Criteria - is refer to the Scope Statement . The project scope statement includes, among the others, acceptance criteria for deliverable. Acceptance criteria for deliverables are not the same as the approval requirements for the project.

  2. Project Approval Requirements - are specified in the project charter, not in the project scope statement. Project approval requirements specify who decides the project is successful, who signs off the project, and what constitutes project success.

And thanks all in this topic I have face the same doubt at all.
4 years 8 months ago #21717


's Avatar

I recently ame across this same question but with details like where do you find the acceptance criteria for a work package and the answer options were a.) Scope statement b.) WBS Dictionary c.) Scope Management Plan d.) WBS . Correct answer for b.) WBS DIctionary. So it seems depends on the question. Since they are asking acceptance criteria of a work package in particular asnwer changes. However i still feel Scope statement can also be correct answer to this question as well.
9 years 11 months ago #5390

Ahmed Amin

Ahmed Amin's Avatar

The question is trying to test that you will always refer to the latest version of the acceptance criteria (or any document in general). although it might be true that the Acceptance criteria were discussed in the status call and recorded in the meeting minutes, The project has progressed already and 2 phases have been delivered, so the PM should refer to the RSD and not a call that took place during the initiation.
9 years 11 months ago #5384

Anton Petrič

Anton Petrič's Avatar

So the hint "status call in the project initiation" is misleading?

And based on the stage of the project PM should know that acceptance criteria were updated and where is the latest version?

10 years 7 months ago #4539

Ahmed Amin

Ahmed Amin's Avatar

Hi Kelly.

As you noted Acceptance criteria can be documented in the project charter, the scope document and the requirements document. I would add it can also be documented in the Traceability Matrix and the WBS Dictionary.

As you already know, projects are progressively elaborated and Acceptance Criteria are no exception. high level acceptance criteria could be identified at the project initiation phase and would be documented in the project charter. as the project progresses our understanding of the project and its acceptance criteria increases and so more detailed and accurate Acceptance criteria would be documented as we progress through the project.

So I would say the correct answer would depend on the situation described in the questions and in which stage the project is currently standing. In the question you have attached, the project is delivering the final phase, at this stage you would definitely refer to the detailed acceptance criteria in the Scope document rather than the high level ones in the charter.

hope this clears the confusion.

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