The truth is, no one outside of PMI really knows the official pass rate for the PMP exam. PMI guards this information closely and does not share detailed statistics or the exact passing score. If anyone claims they have the definitive pass rate, that figure is likely based on anecdotal evidence or pure speculation. (So if you see someone saying "The pass rate is X%", then they are lying to you, no matter what number they use).
What we do know is that the exam uses a “psychometric” scoring approach. This further obscures any clear pass/fail percentage. And while many candidates pass on their first attempt, it doesn’t change the fact that PMI keeps the exam’s exact performance data under wraps. I know I'm mixing apples and oranges (pass rate / passing score) in the previous statement but they go hand in hand.
Rather than worrying about rumored percentages, focus on thorough exam preparation. Study methodically, practice with our exam simulator, and go in feeling confident about your project management knowledge. In the end, the pass rate of others doesn’t determine your own success. Your commitment and preparation do.