Thanks, for your prompt reply, Cornelius, hope you still enjoy your holiday though
I understand your examples 1) and 3) and understand that the driver of the van does not get fired whereas Barkeeper and Burger-Cook get fired if for example the customer gets ill.
Both examples 1) and 3) are situations where I would not assume a project situation and I'd rather lookup accountability in the OBS of the respective company.
But your examples inspired me to generate examples by myself. I always end up with a conflict of the "single source of information"-rule when it comes to accountability and responsibility. Accountability always seems to be a copy of the Project-OBS. Is it perhaps intended to be aware of the hierachy when looking at a RAM?
I generated a small example where I felt fine with the A and R assignment:
Think of pair programming during a single session: R is developping and by this making decisions whereas A is sitting next to him and considering testcases which need to be passed. But I don't think this is a pattern which can be applied to developper teams and testing teams in general. :-/
The PMBoK 4th edition states this RACI-Matrix only as an example of a RAM. As far as I remember the RACI-Matrix of 3rd edition was placed much more prominently.
For the exam we probable only need to know that RACI is a format of a RAM.
In my projects for example I only marked "Responsible" and "Support" but sometimes I had to put additional markers in there. Right now I found an interesting article where they even say that "A" should not stand for "Accountability" but for "Authority". The link is below and I read it like this:
"A" gathers information from all "C"s prior to delegation to one or more "R"s. "R" is working on or delegating the Schedule Activity and making decisions during his work. As long as "R" is working she is responsible and producing at least status information to the "I"s. After "R" is finished the responsibility is released from "R" but continues to lay on "A". This "final responsibility" sometimes is called accountability.
I'd be glad to read any of your summaries fo this:
Thanks for the dialog - for me this exchange is the real goal behind the PMP