Great question! Although the exam features various types of PMP exam questions, the key is to first build a solid foundation in project management concepts and skills. Once you understand the why and how behind these processes, you’ll naturally become more adept at answering any question type you encounter.
Rather than focusing on the different question formats, focus on mastering the core concepts and practicing regularly with lots of varied questions. Scenario-based questions will test your ability to apply knowledge in a realistic context, while knowledge-based questions will confirm you’ve got the facts down. (Though there are now fewer of these on the exam.
And that's even more true for formula-based questions: they are now less about calculations and more about interpretation. After all... Our PM software does the calculations for us - but what do you do with the results?? For example, you might see something like, “If CPI is 1.2, what does that tell you, and what actions should you take?” instead of being asked to perform the actual calculation.
Bottom line: Get the fundamentals down and practice all question types, but don’t get bogged down in memorizing every formula. It’s more important to recognize what the numbers mean and how to use them in making decisions. Keep practicing, and you’ll get a feel for which areas need a bit more attention. Good luck with your studies!