Let me start off by first saying that the Pass/Fail score is a closely guarded secret from PMI and none of us here know what that score will be.
Next, and this is just speculation on my part, the qualitative scores of AT/T/BT are measures of how you score in the domains, not on the overall test. It's the score on the overall test what matters in the long run, not in any one or two domains. For more speculation, I suspect that the domains are not weighted the same. (In the 5-domain test that took in 2019, it was clear that they were not). With that being said, you can make some guesses on outcomes. For example:
AT/AT/AT = Pass
T/T/T = Pass (that would be close to the demarcation line between pass/fail)
BT/BT/BT = Fail
Any other combination depends solely on the weighting of the individual domains which is a closely held secret at PMI.
Another way (and I think better way) to look at the whole thing is to get the highest score possible on the exam and forget about that Domain qualitative scoring. Domain qualitative scoring will give you an idea of your "weak" areas in a general sense, in the event you do not pass.
Good luck!
Harry J. Elston, Ph.D., CIH, PMP