
Reply: Pmp certification

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Topic History of : Pmp certification

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1 year 11 months ago #30405


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Thank you Daniel for the provided information. I will certainly check the PMI website for the latest details and updates!
1 year 11 months ago #30400

Daniel Soerensen

Daniel Soerensen's Avatar

Hello Serge,

First of all, congratulations on your graduation! There is an article that will answer most of your questions:
How To Get PMP Certification - The Complete Guide

Although some of the details in the article are slightly outdated due to the most recent changes to the application requirements for the PMP and the exam structure, I recommend you also visit PMI's website where you can find the Exam Content Outline (ECO):
PMI Certification

The ECO contains more details around the eligibility requirements. You need 36 months of experience leading projects within the past 8 years. Since you are a recent grad, chances are you do not have the required experience leading projects, but I could be wrong. I encourage you to read through the requirements and assess for yourself if you qualify or not. If you don't, there's no time like the present to start working towards meeting the requirements.

All the best,
1 year 11 months ago #30397


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I had a question regarding taking the CAPM and the PMP exams. I recently graduated with an MBA in Project Management (Jan 2023) and I was wondering if should take the CAPM exam or jump right Into the PMP and avoid the CAPM? Also, am I qualified to sit for a pmp based on my education. I don't have any project management experience as I am a new grad. Thanks in advance.

Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
