
Reply: PrepCast Product Updates Based on PMI Changes

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Topic History of : PrepCast Product Updates Based on PMI Changes

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2 years 11 months ago #29192

Cornelius Fichtner

Cornelius Fichtner's Avatar


Please start watching the lessons on the current version of the PrepCast (Start with Modules 1-3). All lessons in the current course are still very much relevant for the current exam and your time investment is by no means wasted or wrong. The big difference between the old and new versions is primarily the structure. (Current: We follow PMBOK Knowledge Areas. New: We follow Exam Content Outline).

At this time, we plan on releasing a minimal viable product (MVP) of the updated version early in April. Initially, this MVP will contain about 25% of all the lessons and new lessons are published and released as soon as they are available, so we are following the process of "incremental delivery" until all lessons are finished.
3 years 16 hours ago #29189

Rita Sobrido

's Avatar

Hello Cornelius Fichtner,

After few days doing researches about how best to prepare the PMP exam, i came to the PrepCast course and i just signed up for the Elite Plus. As you mentioned in this article a new release will be done by end of this month. So i would love a recommendation if i should wait to start with the new lessons or the current ones will be compatible with the new ones. My initial plan is to take the exam around June so i need to get my 35h as soon as possible. Thank you
3 years 3 weeks ago #29102

Cornelius Fichtner

Cornelius Fichtner's Avatar

Update 2022-Apr-02: The all-new PrepCast 7 has been launched. Please visit www.project-management-prepcast.com/pmp7up for the details on available updates

Now that the new PMBOK 7 has been published, we want to address the questions about whether our training materials are updated and if/when updates are available.

The PMBOK Guide is NOT = The PMP Exam

The PMP® Exam is based on the PMP Examination Content Outline (ECO). And while the PMBOK® Guide is an important source of preparation for the exam, it is only one of the ten reference books that Project Management Institute (PMI) uses to support their questions.

On 19-Nov-2021, the PMI started using the PMBOK® Guide – Seventh Edition or "PMBOK7" as a reference book for the PMP exam, which means that students will begin to see questions on the PMP exam that reference the latest version of the PMBOK® Guide. However, it will take months until a substantial number of these questions have been developed, tested, and added to the PMP exam. It's an ongoing process where the PMI will "trickle" these new questions into the exam. To learn more about PMBOK7, visit www.pmi.org/pmbok-guide-standards/about/current-projects

Until this multi-month process is complete, you'll see PMP exam questions where the PMBOK6, in addition to the PMBOK7 and other materials, are used as a reference. Therefore, we recommend that you use both PMBOK6 & PMBOK7 in your PMP exam preparation.

That much said, here are our plans for updating our products:

PM PrepCast PMP Exam Simulator

We are currently developing and testing new questions that reference PMBOK7 and will be adding these questions into the PrepCast PMP Simulator question pool over time. There is no single release date for these questions. Instead, we add them to the simulator in batches, just like the PMI adds their new questions to the actual PMP exam. For more information about how we use the PMBOK® Guide in developing The PM Exam Simulator questions, visit: www.project-management-prepcast.com/kune...nd-our-pmp-simulator

Additionally, the fact that most of the current questions in our PMP Exam Simulator are supported by PMBOK6 does not negate their alignment with PMBOK7. After all, the concepts outlined in PMBOK7 are not new. They may be worded slightly differently and less prescriptive, but they still reflect project management best practices. Therefore, as part of the effort to update our PMP Exam Simulator, we have been updating references of existing questions that can be supported by both PMBOK6 and PMBOK7. So far, we have added PMBOK7 references to hundreds of questions and will continue doing so on an ongoing basis. Furthermore, to provide our students with a better user experience, each reference to PMBOK7 comes as a hyperlink to the PMI digital platform, PMIstandards+. This means that you don’t need a physical copy of the PMBOK Guide Seventh Edition, but rather can click the link and view the relevant PMBOK7 section online.

For you, as a student, this means that you can buy the Simulator today, and rest assured that the simulator questions are an excellent representation of what to expect in your actual exam. We always update our existing simulator questions and/or develop new simulator questions and you have access to those at no additional cost when they are published for as long as your simulator subscription is active.

The PM PrepCast PMP Exam Training Course

We are updating The PM PrepCast Training Course to better conform to the Exam Content Outline. This new version of our training course is scheduled for initial release in late March / early April of 2022.

PMP Formula Study Guide

A new "All-in-one" version of The PMP Exam Formula Study Guide is available starting March 15, 2022. Our website isn't updated yet, but if you purchase the formula guide at this time, you will be able to access both the old and new version.

Note that the new version is also available on Amazon in print and kindle: www.pm-formulas.com/amazon

The new "All-in-one" version is updated to better match the 2022 exam, and includes the new format of "interpretational" formula questions.

Updates to our other PMP Training Materials
  • PM StudyCoach Guidebooks: We currently plan to update these guidebooks after the final release of the updated PrepCast training course.
  • PMP Exam FlashCards: We are retiring this product. No updates are planned.

Suggested PMP Exam Prep Training Materials

What is our recommended study materials apart from our PM PrepCast & the PM Exam simulator? For one, you should always refer to the latest exam content outline. The Agile Practice Guide and the Scrum Guide are valuable references.

In early in 2022, it is helpful to use both versions (PMBOK 6 & 7) but later on, in 2022, PMBOK7 will be more emphasized and we predict that the overall focus would go to PMI Standards+

If you are taking your exam in early 2022, we recommend the PM PrepCast lessons to earn your 35 contact hours. The current PM PrepCast fully covers the current PMP exam content outline even though it doesn’t follow its outline of 3 Domains with 35 Tasks.

For as long as PMI continues to use both the sixth and seventh editions as the basis for the PMP Exam, the PM PrepCast will still be active and will not expire. Later, when the PMBOK7 is more emphasized, PMPrepCast7 is more relevant, and we will phase out PM PrepCast6. Historically, we have provided our customers with a means to upgrade from one version to the next. We will communicate these upgrade details as soon as they are finalized.

Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
