Hello, I just fail my exam for connexion problems, and I remember some of the question I asked myself during the examination on the behavior to have...
Indeed, even if I had around 70-75% at the exam prepcast simulator everytime I was still wondering many times what should I do, because 2 answers appear viable to me, depending of the emphasis or interpretation.
I take the exam tomorrow again, and I would like some help , I am very stressed with that exam
These are not PMI questions, but behaviors I asked myself during the exam because I was unable to find philosofy on how to act
1. If I empowered my team to solve problems and it didn't completly solved all problems at the next iteration ,
-should I ask them to try again to find new solutions to empower them again (because it worked on some part)
-or should I ask them to review why the first solutions they proposed didnt work well ? (To encourage them to analyse the situation first)
2.If our funds are drasticaly reduced for an agile project,
-should we continue the project with our team priorizing the backlog
-or should we reduce the team as project manager ?
3. If a preidentified risk appears on the project,
-should the PM execute the risk response first or update the risk register first (if we don't have risk log)?
4. If we ask about a development software project with some modules, if there is not clear mention of Agile, should we consider the project as Agile ?
4bis. If agile is not expressely mentionned in the scenario but it says that its an iterative development or a software development, should we condider it as agile by default ?
5. If there is a big late on schedule for instance; and if there is no mention of the CCB could we ask directly to the sponsor for a change request ?
6. If a project is late on schedule on agile, what the PM could do first ? change request ? crash plannig ? palallelise activities ? ask the team ?
7. If a project a very tight on schedule and you want your team to continue to work hard, and want to motivate them , could you give them motivation certificate to motivate them ? or is it better to be transparent and explain them the pressure the sponsor put on you with the shedule ?
8. If a stakeholder is not happy with a product review, what is better to avoid such problem in the future : design thinking or collecting requirements with all stakeholders ?
9. If we are asked to priorize agile features and we get commercial value and time spend to realize it , should we ponderate the value by the spent time or not ?
10. In an Agile project if the customer ask for change in the product, should we ask for a change before or could we proceed to the change (favorising change agile value) ?
11. during questions about Agile, scrum or Lean do you classify all the principles of each method to answer properly and choose the proposition associated with the most important principle first ? Because sometimes i felt they contradict (like in my first questoô)
Thank you very mich