
Reply: To those who took the exam: Facial recognition software question

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Topic History of : To those who took the exam: Facial recognition software question

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3 years 10 months ago #27389

Kyle Kilbride, PMP

Kyle Kilbride, PMP's Avatar

I don't know to be honest. I know I mouthed words to some questions (very slightly) and did not get interrupted. If you need accommodation you could always contact PMI. I do recommend you use hard wired internet as you indicated, I ran into issues over WiFi.

Good luck!
3 years 10 months ago #27388

Jacqueline Durazo

Jacqueline Durazo's Avatar

Follow up to that: what if I'm just mouthing the words and not making audible sounds? Will that be a problem? I feel like this exam is extremely not friendly to those with ADHD and individuals with sensory sensitivities. Unfortunately, the local Navy Base (we're stationed overseas, so it's the only testing location nearby) has tons of people coming and going so it's not a great location to take the test, according to some friends who took it a few months back. Since I'm easily distracted, figured I'd have the best luck possible kicking my husband out of the house with our one year old for 4 hours (good luck during nap time, bud) and try to take it hard wired into our lackluster internet. Thank you for your responses!
3 years 10 months ago #27371

Kyle Kilbride, PMP

Kyle Kilbride, PMP's Avatar

Yes, unfortunately it is not uncommon to be told to move your hands away from your face during the exam. I have heard others have been told not to speak either while whispering the question. You will get warnings first, but security measures are certainly a bit different if you're taking the exam from home. If you think these will be issues for you I would recommend lots of practice at home (you could have somebody watch you or video yourself), or consider taking the exam at an approved location.
3 years 10 months ago #27370

Jacqueline Durazo

Jacqueline Durazo's Avatar

I have a strange question, but I was curious if anyone knows if it's okay to have our hands on our face while taking the exam? I have a habit of resting my hand on my chin (in a way that is blocking my mouth from the camera on my computer) and I saw on the PMP website that we can't read aloud the questions nor block our mouths, if we're taking it from home as I plan to do. I have a hard time focusing on the questions in an exam in the first place and very quietly whispering them to myself helps me focus, but now I'm even more distracted making sure I'm "taking the exam correctly" (reading inside my head only and with hands at my keyboard) vice actually even paying attention to the exam content. It's silly but it's really freaking me out. Advice?

Anyone taken the exam and been told to move their hands away from their face or to stop whispering the questions aloud? Thanks!

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