
Reply: Non-Traditional PM Experience for Application

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Topic History of : Non-Traditional PM Experience for Application

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3 years 10 months ago #27354

Kyle Kilbride, PMP

Kyle Kilbride, PMP's Avatar

Per PMI on the CAPM:

Secondary degree (high school diploma, associate’s degree or the global equivalent)
23 hours of project management education completed by the time you sit for the exam. Our Project Management Basics online course fulfills this educational prerequisite.

It sounds like you would meet the prerequisites for the CAPM with the course. I cannot say if you will qualify for the PMP exam, but it sounds as though you have a backup plan. This would be worthwhile to run by PMI as well if you're looking for formal confirmation.
3 years 10 months ago #27326

Lanie Williamson

's Avatar

Hi everyone. I am coming from a background where I spent many years as an educator, not a traditional "project manager," though that is essentially what I am in my current position. In writing up my 36 months of experience, I have projects that I hope will be approved but cannot guarantee it. I have 22 months experience that I think is clearly project management and another 14 months of projects that, in my mind, fit the definitions but others may not think so. I am trying to plan for this process where I have to take the 35-hour course prior to even knowing if they will approve the experience. I am thinking about a Plan B if the application is rejected based on experience. At that point, would I be allowed to sit for the CAPM at least? Also, would I be allowed to try again a year or two later with more "official" projects under my belt? Or should I just not even attempt the PMP for another year or two? I do not want to take the course if I will not be allowed to take the exam.


Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
