I have a question regarding documenting PM experience. I was PM for a regional program which served as a pilot. The goal was to create a program plan and test to see if this program worked then launch the program structure that would be used across the United States. Would PMI consider this a project or a program? Below is a draft of the summary for the submission. Please also let me know if changes are needed to the write up.
Project name: Program plan development
PM type: Hybrid
Duration: 15 months
Goal: Plan and test a educational program at the regional level, improving along the way, to deliver a program plan to the Internal client to launch across all regions in the United States
IN: Conducted stakeholder analysis; Defined project objectives and outcomes; Secured resources
PL: Clearly defined project scope; Developed project plan –, schedule, budget, quality, communications;
EX: Led kickoff meeting and all status meetings; Led review meetings to obtain feedback and make updates during next sprint
MC: Managed scope, schedule, costs, stakeholders and project team; Distributed status reports and change updates
CL: Confirmed finalization of program plan to be delivered to internal stakeholders; Conduct team debrief to discuss lessons learned; Archive all project information according to company standards
Outcome: A complete program plan was delivered to internal stakeholders to implement program at a larger scale to use across the United States.
Thank you in advance for any input received.