
Reply: Contract Closure Administrative Closure Close Proj

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Topic History of : Contract Closure Administrative Closure Close Proj

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15 years 9 months ago #114

Cornelius Fichtner

Cornelius Fichtner's Avatar


Again I apologize. I didn't realize that you were studying the old edition.

I have listened to 12.07 (around 17.31 minutes) and I don't hear anything about "Administrative Closure". What you may have heard me say is this:

And finally, we have the two closure activities.
They are Close Project and Contract Closure
Contract Closure is performed once for each of your contracts. And to make sure that you don’t forget any steps to properly close it, you will rely on a checklist called the Contract closure procedure.
Close Project on the other hand is performed once for every project phase and once for the complete project. Here also, you will have a checklist that details all the steps which is called the Administrative Closure Procedure.

The Administrative Closure PROCESS is the OLD process name from the PMBOK 2000 2nd Edition. So you can ignore the Administrative Closure PROCESS.

However, there is an Administrative Closure PROCEDURE. This is a checklist to close the project. Here is what I say about that:

The Administrative Closure Procedure is an output from the close project process and it describes all actions that need to happen in order to close the project. It’s a checklist. On it you will find activities like:
Verify final signoff from customer
Analyze success or failure of the project
Document lessons learned
Archive project documentation according to corporate policies

15 years 9 months ago #112

Arslan Hamid

Arslan Hamid's Avatar

please reply this Question
15 years 9 months ago #110

Arslan Hamid

Arslan Hamid's Avatar

No Boss i am Old I have got old pmbok old rit and old podcast i am going for PMBOK3 Exam can you please explain my question
15 years 9 months ago #102

Cornelius Fichtner

Cornelius Fichtner's Avatar


Are you by any chance comparing Rita's "old" book (based on PMBOK 3) with our "new" PrepCast (Based on PMBOK 4)?
15 years 9 months ago #101

Arslan Hamid

Arslan Hamid's Avatar

Rita said on Page 395 Contact Closure is done only at the end of contract.
But you said in 12.07 at time line 17.31 that contact closure
What is administrative closure.???
What i think Rita called Contract Closure=Administrative closure and Close Project=contract closure?
Can you please elaborate it?

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