Passed the PMI-ACP exam on my second try by being better prepared, I think I took it for granted the first attempt because it did not appear to have as much material as the PMP and fell just a little short so went back to the drawing board. Hopefully some of my steps and resources would be helpful to someone else, and they blow through it on the first try. The first most important resource is the Agile Practice Guide from PMI, you are guaranteed success if you are able to thoroughly go through and understand that little book. The other book I used was the PMI-ACP Exam Prep by Mike Griffiths, extremely knowledge packed book that touches everything you need to know to pass the exam. The glossary of terms from PMI was also very helpful in jogging the memory and familiarizing me with the terms and meanings, added PMI-ACP Exam Prep Flashcards by Belinda Goodrich which is also very helpful. After dedicating about 4-6 weeks with those materials and feeling good about myself I decided it was time for question banks, I knew I needed at least 2 good and reputable ones and was familiar with PrepCast from my PMP study days and then I came across one from as well. I spent 2-3 weeks of taking test after test from both and would hit random banks on the web as well but always return to the PrepCast bank because they felt more like what the real exam would be like and it turned out to be so. You definitely cannot go wrong with their bank of questions, and they offer the training course as well so why not.
Wish all going for the exam best of luck, hope my story helps in some small way.