I passed the PMI-ACP exam last week! Surprisingly, I scored Above Target in all domains, but it wasn't easy. Some tips that might help:
1. Take this PMPrepCast ACP course (consider skipping the optional modules if you're in a hurry unless you're interested in more background info).
2. Study Mike Griffith's PMI-ACP exam guide (questions are fairly easy, but wait...).
3. Study Mike Griffith's PMI-ACP exam workbook (highly recommended and very helpful, and questions are more difficult - really makes you think!).
4. Take notes as you're going through PMPrepcast and Mike's material for refresher studies.
5. Use all the PMPrepCast simulated exams and take a bunch of timed/learning quizzes to refine weak areas. I took one exam each week, studied more, took another, studied, etc. I never scored higher than 76% on any of the four simulated full-length exams, but that's okay - I reviewed all of the questions I scored correctly and incorrectly to help reinforce what I did right and wrong. The filter features on the exam simulator results are very helpful!!
6. Possibly no need to memorize anything, but you should have a very solid grasp of agile roles (e.g., scrum master, product owner, etc.) and the agile value and principles, which will help a lot on difficult questions.
7. Take exam at a Pearson VUE location, not at home (based on recent posts about bad experiences). I scheduled my exam for 10:30am but showed up at 9:30 and they let me start early.
8. Take your time with exam - use all 3 hours if needed to review marked questions. I marked a handful of questions on my PMP exam three years ago and didn't change the answers, but I changed quite a few that I had marked on the ACP exam (I marked about 25 on the ACP exam, but I first answered them just in case time ran out). Many answer choices were difficult to choose from - either all seemed incorrect or more than one seemed correct. As always, choose the BEST answer and really pay attention to what's being asked and who's asking. In cases where they use language/terms/phrases in the answers that you haven't heard of before, that might be a clue that it's not the correct answer.
Thanks PMPrepCast for helping me ace the exam!!!