I gave PMP-ACP exam yesterday and passed the exam with Above Average in all the categories. Prep-Cast Exam Simulator has big role in my preparation. It was a long journey for me to prepare for the test. I started my preparation last year however, couldn't able to finish all the topics until last month. My eligibility was coming to an end soon in Jan 2019 and that pushed me really hard. I have a busy life round the clock as a working mother of 15 month old, so couldn't allocated more than 3 hours to study properly. Anyway, I followed following courses (in given order).
1. ACP-PMP web course - to earn 21 PDU.
2. Mike Griffin PMP-ACP book
3. Mike Griffin PMP-ACP workbook
4. Prep-Cast ACP Exam Simulator - attempted all 4. Passed 2/4.
I feel the key to attend exam confidently and answering correctly is trying various simulation tests. The questions in exam are not same but doing lot of practice ensured that I was able to strike out the wrong option easily and recognize the right one. There are always 2 options which seems correct. And, striking out incorrect ones helped focus more on the correct ones. Also, I didn't waste exam time pondering on the question which I felt uncomfortable answering quickly. Marked and revisited those questions in last 30 minutes. Prep-cast Simulation tests gives the real feel of exam where one cannot pause and have to sit 3 hours to complete all the question. It tests your focus along with knowledge. I actually failed 2/4 Prep-cast tests. However, I revisited the failed question to make sure I know the reasoning behind. On exam day, I finished all the question in 2 hours 30 mins and utilized left time to revisit the marked ones and finally randomly went through all the done questions. All in all, it is a tough test and only practicing so many questions helped me succeed. Thank you.