Hi, just wanted to thank PrepCast for helping my pass the ACP today.
Although, I can't say that it was the ONLY reason that I passed, I must admit that the test questions in their simulator and the ones on the real pearson view CPT are very similar in nature.
That being said, I pulled information from many different sources to pass the exam. I was AT for all categories except Agile Principles (On Target).
Here was my study list:
udemy/course/pmiacp_21pdus/ (Used for the 21 hours of PDUs and it is hella long, but comes with an okay full practice exam).
udemy/course/pmi-acp-practice-exams-pmbok-6/ (two full length practice exams, pretty good and you can ask questions similar to Prepcast).
rmcls/extras/pmi-acp-exam-prep-second-edition/ <= best summary out there for textbook, I wanted a paper copy because it was I'm old fashion but their online portal is fairly good.
youtubechannel/UCIUTaa2a_Ejn-p1GaKeKu-A <= watched some of the videos from this guy who past the exam, took a few notes.
edward-designer <= This guy has all of the knowledge!
Needed to strip out the actual links to not have my post considered spam!
I had a ton of notes and roughly 1000 cue cards for all 7 categories, and at the end of the day it seemed like it was overkill.
Overall though, as a product person running an agile team (of 7 people), and I must admit that the PMI did do a great job of making me more well-rounded from an agility standpoint. Although I may never be able to implement EVM from a product standpoint, I might end up trying one day
Hope this helps all of the aspirants!
Thanks Prep-cast for the great exams!