Hi everyone,
I just passed the PMI ACP exam on my first attempt - above target on all domains.
I took two prep courses - one of them was the PMI-ACP Prepcast, and I went through the Prepcast Exam Simulator with a fine-tooth comb

I must thank the whole Prepcast team once again for their great materials, superb exam simulator, and patience with me, and I want to leave a special word of thanks to Stan.
When I got my PMP back in June 2018, the PMP Exam Simulator was vital for my success, and the great support I got from the Prepcast team was invaluable.
Now, for the last couple of months as I studied for the ACP, again the materials and the support were the main reason why I passed, and I commend the great support I got from Stan who was always ready to read my feedback.
Thank you and good luck to everyone who is preparing for the exam!