I'm beginning my study prep for the ACP exam. Based on recommendations in this forum and other websites, I'm using the Agile PrepCast, the book "PMI-ACP Exam Prep" by Mike Griffiths, and the book "The PMI-ACP Exam, How to Pass On Your First Try" by Andy Crowe.
The issue I'm running into with planning my study outline, is that the PreCast and books are not laid out in a similar format. For example, the PrepCast covers Agile Risk Management concepts in Module 10, Griffith's book doesn't explicitly call out risk in the table of contents, but in the book index it is covered on 20 or more pages, and in Crowe's book, again, it isn't called out in the table of contents, but has several pages in the index.
My question to the group is how did you organize your study materials so that you can cover topics using various sources. My hope is to listen to the PrepCast, read the sections of the two books, and then take the chapter end tests provided in the Crowe book until I've completed all topics and start in on practice tests.
This was how I achieved my PMP study prep, though it was a lot easier since all materials followed the PMBOK outline.
Thank you in advance for any thoughts or suggestions.