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Topic History of : PMI ACP PDU

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8 years 10 months ago #7359

Prabhat Sanheliya

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8 years 10 months ago #7280


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Thanks a lot Cornlius.Also can I know if you have got any specific trainig s for MPP as I am planning to give my MPP certification too
8 years 10 months ago #7267

Cornelius Fichtner

Cornelius Fichtner's Avatar


I see from the original document that you have sent me via email, that you have received the following training:

Agile Project Management Essentials, 8 hours
Leading an Agile team, 8 hours
Managing stakeholder Engagement on an Agile Project, 8 hours
Ensuring Delivery of Value and Quality in Agile Projects, 8 hours
Adopting an Agile Approach to Project Management, 8 hours

This is a total of 40 hours of training in agile.

At this time, I can see no problem why PMI would not accept these.

Just once minor correction.. Please note the difference between "Contact Hours" and "PDUs": We call training BEFORE you pass an exam "Contact Hours" and we call it "PDU" only AFTER you pass. Based on what you write I assume strongly that you are still preparing for the PMI-ACP Exam, which means that you need 21 Contact Hours.

But again... that's just a different word for the same thing. There is no reason why PMI should not accept your 21 Contact Hours on your PMI-ACP application.
8 years 11 months ago #7234


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Hi Cornelius,
Hope you are doing well. I need your help to go ahead.
I am going to upload my PMI ACP PDU's.
The following attached are the training wherein I got it from my company for Agile. They will be giving me on company letter head.
Kindly suggest if this will help me out to claim 21 PDU's and to go ahead to upload my certificate or is it mandatory that I need to take PDU's only from authorized personnel.
Also can you let me know if there are any specific class room training for MPP from your end as am panning to go ahead with MPP certification.
I am looking at advanced training in MPP

{Note from admin: Sreelatha was unable to attach his document -- we're working on it...}

Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
