At this time, the release schedule for our updated PMI-ACP exam simulator looks more and more like it will be pushed into April. Doing the update right is proving to me more time consuming than anticipated.
However, the good news is this: Every single feedback that we have received from students who are using our "old" simulator and then taking the "new" exam can be summarized with "good enough" or "close enough". So I'm confident that the material will get you through the exam, even though it's not fully updated. Not a single feedback was negative.
This means that you can start your studies with the materials we currently offer and be reasonably confident that you come out successful at the end.
Hi, I would like to use 'The Agile PrepCast Elite PLUS' as my sole resource for PMI-ACP study. While waiting for updates to the 'PMI-ACP Exam Simulator,' can I start referring to the PMI-ACP StudyCoach Guidebooks and PMI-ACP Exam Training for preparation? Thank you.
We have received the following (albeit short) feedback from one of our students. He used our old exam simulator and then scheduled his exam AFTER the change without realizing that he was going to take the new exam. He passed. I asked him for feedback and he said the following:
"prepcast was my only study tool and it was close enough"
Based on this (single) feedback, we are now more certain that our current simulator (for the old exam) is still valuable for the new exam. But obviously, we are still reviewing and updating all our questions, so that the simulator matches the new exam better. For now, however, we only have the old version available, which is "close enough".
Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®