
Reply: Can I claim PDUs for reading the latest PMBOK?

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Topic History of : Can I claim PDUs for reading the latest PMBOK?

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7 months 2 weeks ago #31609

Harry Elston

Harry Elston's Avatar

First, I would not try to claim PDUs for standards that PMPs are supposed to be familiar with. But if you want to try, I would use "Ways of Working."
7 months 3 weeks ago #31591


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What PDU category would I use for this this? Ways of Working, Business Acumen, etc?
7 months 3 weeks ago #31590

A Flannery

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If I do read the latest PMBOK what category of PDU would that fulfill?
3 years 1 month ago #29122


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If you subscribe and listen in e.g. ITunes or iPhones podcast, the app show the day you finished listening to the podcast.
6 years 9 months ago #14416

Cornelius Fichtner

Cornelius Fichtner's Avatar


First of all, thank you SO MUCH for calling The PM Podcast "amazing". That is very kind of you.

PMI starts from the perspective that you are an honest PMP who follows the Code of Ethics. Therefore, if you say you listened to the podcast, you are stating the truth.

However, PMI recommends that you keep notes of when you listen to the episodes. Basically... keep a log of your listening activity. To simplify this process I have created a simple spreadsheet that you can use to track this. You can find the spreadsheet here: www.project-management-podcast.com/index.php/pdu/pdu-logfile
6 years 9 months ago #14415


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So instead… go to www.pm-podcast.com/pdu and listen to the hundreds of free interviews that I offer there and listen to them instead.

i am listening to these podcasts, they are amazing but how will PMI know i completed the podcasts.
i dont have to susbcribe to PM podcast for free episodes, so if i am audited, how can i prove that i listen to podcasts beside sharing the excel sheet which I am documenting on my local pc.

Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
