
Reply: Crash studied for 48 hours with PrepCast and passed "Above Target"

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Topic History of : Crash studied for 48 hours with PrepCast and passed "Above Target"

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4 years 5 months ago #23815

Brittany S.

Brittany S.'s Avatar

Wow, Adam that is CRAZY! Just 48 hours?! Your brain must be a sponge just soaking this up, whereas I feel like mine is (some days) acting like a waterproof tarp hahaha. But honestly, I do think there is something to your method. I think going at it too long (I began in July) is counter-productive. It took me so long to walk through the book and PM PrepCast in tandem that by the time I reached the end, I'd forgotten everything from the beginning. HA!

But anyways, congratulations on your pass, and Above Target at that! I hope very much to be on team "I Passed" come Saturday. My test is scheduled and I couldn't be more nervous.

P.S. - Thanks for the tip about the YouTube video! Will watch.
4 years 6 months ago #23248

Katya Vanessa Ramos

Katya Vanessa Ramos's Avatar

Hello Adam,

Congratulations for your achievement.
I'm preparing myself to take the exam at the end of this year.
For me, It's a bit more difficult to grasp of all the information, because my mother language is Portuguese. But I believe that I'll get there.
Thank you once again for the tips.
4 years 6 months ago #22984

Yolanda Mabutas

Yolanda Mabutas's Avatar

Hi Adam,

Congratulations and thank you for sharing your journey!
4 years 6 months ago #22973

Adam Hijazi

Adam Hijazi's Avatar

I ordered the PrepCast CAPM exam prep 48 hours before my exam and passed with all above target except procurement. The format matches the CAPM exam and understanding and practicing with the format made me more comfortable in the exam. Definitely worth the investment. I just did exams and focused prep with PrepCast for the 48 hours leading up to it and it was sufficient to prepare with the existing knowledge I had from a local university PM foundations course. Highly recommend "PMBOK® Guide 6th Ed Processes Explained with Ricardo Vargas!" on YouTube. It's a must watch as other people have said. My suggestion for candidates would be focus extra time on cost, communications and procurement as those were the ones I found had extreme detail that was complicated although I recognize that might just be my experience. Good luck everyone!

Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
