Category: Project Management Professional (PMP)® Exam using A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)

What Formulas to Study for the PMP® Certification Exam & How?

PMP® Exam Tip: What Formulas should I Study for the PMP® Exam and How?There are forty nine formulas that you will need know and understand prior to taking the Project Management Professional (PMP)® Exam. There are PMP Exam formulas to plan activity durations and costs. There are formulas to calculate the value or cost of the project. There are formulas to make sure a project stays within scope, on schedule, and within budget. There are formulas to forecast project schedule and cost if the project did not progress as planned. There are formulas to calculate the value of the project.

And on top of all of these formulas, you will also need to know and understand all of the associated acronyms. The number and variety of formulas and acronyms you will need to fully understand to pass the PMP® Exam may seem a bit overwhelming, but you can easily learn and review the formulas by using a study guide and practicing answering formula related questions.

Creating a formula study guide yourself can be a time consuming task. Plus if you write down and studying a formula incorrectly it can hurt your chances of passing the PMP® Exam. Developing formula related questions to study has its own issues. For one you already know the answers, and two if you put together a study problem wrong then you are going to study incorrect information.

This is where www.pmformulas.com can help. Here you can download a PMP Formula Study Guide that you can be certain has the correct formulas and acronym descriptions, a cheat sheet pocket guide, and best of all 105 formula related PMP® Exam sample questions to help you practice your formula knowledge.

Watch this video for essential study materials you'll need to be successful:


Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
