Category: Project Management Professional (PMP)® Exam using A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)

Dress Right for the PMP® Certification Exam

Depositphotos 14926847 xsAfter weeks of studies and training, you are now ready to take your PMP exam. You have invested enough effort and prepared yourself for the exam day on a positive note. But having a positive attitude towards your exam is just one-half of the story. It would help if you also felt right on D-day when you walk into the test center. (The clothes you wear when taking the exam from home are less important because you have more control over your environment).

It is important that you are comfortable and relaxed. One of the things you can do to achieve this is to make sure that you dress right for your PMP exam. Feeling good in your clothes helps keep you focused on the task ahead. For this exam, you want to be prepared and relaxed and comfortable. Just imagine how distracting a scratchy clothing tag in your neck would feel during a 230-minute, stressful exam!

So dress comfortably and dress in layers. That way, you can easily take off a layer if the room is too warm. And bring a sweater or light jacket that you can put on should the room be too cool for you. Remember, if you are comfortable and your clothing is just right for the temperature, chances are you will feel better, and the correct answers to the exam questions might just naturally come out.

Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
