Hi John,
regarding the PMBOK fifth edition on page 89 you will find a general description regarding Schedule Forcasts:
The schedule forcasts are derived from progess
against the schedule baseline and
computed time estimate to complete (
This is typically expressed in terms of schedule variance
(SV) and schedule performance index (
On page 149 in the PMBOK it is described that:
Schedule performance measurements such as schedule variance (
SV) and schedule perfomance index (
to assess the magnitute of variation to the original schedule basline.
So I already here it is described that you
compare project progress against the basline. (your original plan)
and the result should be from a logical point of view:
Behind of what you have planned
Exactly of what you have planned
Ahead of what you have planned
Earned Value Management is just putting this into a formular.
On page 219 in the PMBOK it is described that:
So if Earned Value is greater than what you have planned (PV) it is positiv and the other way around negativ.
The PMBOK decribes:
An SPI value
less than 1.0 indicates less work was completed than was planned.
greater than 1.0 indicates that more work was completed than was planned.
OK that was a long way to come to your question but now I come to the point

Interesting is that the PMBOK describes the place after the decimal point with one number --> 1
and not 1
So from my point of view you need to round the SPI from 1.02 to
1.0 and the PM is correct the project is on schedule!
I think this question is really tricky and I would not worry too much about these kind of questions.
In my PMP exam the questions came across really clear and there was no room for interpretation.
I hope you are happy with the answer