Project Management Professional (PMP)® Student Profiles:

Student Profile: Willim Adelman, PMP

Willim AdelmanI am 57 yrs.’ old. Laid off after 28 yrs. with the same company, the last 8 as a Project Manager. The company turned to Agile so I was certified CSM, however no corp. $ available for PMP cert. Now that I have it, offers for employment are coming in weekly.

What a difference having the PMP after your name. Makes all the difference in the world. My daughter is graduating from college in 1 month. I plan on having her use you guys to get her certification. What I  recommend to students is to read the PMBOK...

... cover to cover. There are multiple one sentence phrases that pop up on the quizzes and the actual PMP test that you would never get from a “glance”. Don’t get hung up on the math first time around. It will come. It is easier than you think.
My study routine in the last 3 days before exam was 8 hours each day. Day 1, 4 hour test in the morning, 4 hours PMBOK in the afternoon. Day 2, 4 hours PMBOK in the morning, 4 hours test in the afternoon. Day 3 –depending on what time you take the test, I would mimic that time slot, followed or preceded by 4 hours reviewing the terminology and definitions in the back of PMBOK.

DO not waste time on a boot camp. This series of testing materials is about as close to the real thing as possible..  When I sat for the PMP, I could not believe how similar the questions were to what I had been practicing. I would recommend the “Test Drive” to ANYONE taking the exam. I am anxious to use OSP International again in the future. For the price, there is none better.

Training for Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
